View Full Version : Big news for t.r.h.land!!!!!!

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04-07-2010, 04:30 AM
Well some of you may know i have a daughter shes 3 going on 4 this aug. and we just found out my wifes expecting TWINS!!!!!! shes 10 weeks pregnent!!!! yes im freaking out of course... so now with running a business having three kids. keeping my ford f350 super duty. clean. im going to be a very busy man..... so wish me luck guys .. help me through this ....:xyxthumbs:


04-07-2010, 05:18 AM
Wishing you & your Family the best!!!:xyxthumbs:
From one FORD man to another, get busy brother!!!

04-07-2010, 05:19 AM
Congratulations Tom! One day at a time my friend.
You will have enough kids for both of us now! I guess now I certainly don't need to have any LOL

04-07-2010, 05:50 AM
Were done tubes r getting tied for sure

tuscarora dave
04-07-2010, 07:24 AM
Congratulations on your good news!! You will be very busy for sure. You may have to trade the F-350 for a rolling cafeteria.

04-07-2010, 07:53 AM
Congrats! Don't freak out though. It's not really all that much different than having one baby. Well except that diapers, formula, clothes etc are all obviously DOUBLE...o an daycare. Instead of $600 a month, it'll be, well, $1200 a month.

My first son was going on 3 years old when my twin boys were born, so a pretty similar situation.


Mike Phillips
04-07-2010, 10:04 AM


04-07-2010, 10:33 AM
Wow! Congratulations :xyxthumbs: You'll be busy alright. Best of luck!

04-07-2010, 11:01 AM
Wow twins! well at least its not octuplets. But congratulations that is awesome. best of luck

04-07-2010, 12:34 PM
Congrats! I have 5 kids ( 4 girls). They way my wife and I looked at it, once we were outnumbered, might as well keep going.

04-07-2010, 02:08 PM
Congratulations on your good news!! You will be very busy for sure. You may have to trade the F-350 for a rolling cafeteria.

never. i want to be buried in my truck!!! love that dam thing

04-07-2010, 02:12 PM
thanks guys .. due date oct 23rd. but twins go 3 weeks early.....ohh crap im not ready for this im too dam old..

04-07-2010, 02:15 PM

04-07-2010, 02:31 PM

thanks sweety...:xyxthumbs:

04-07-2010, 03:14 PM
Congrats .... after this you gonna put that "thing" away ! (smiles)