View Full Version : Souveran attracting dust?

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03-10-2010, 11:13 AM
I'm a huge fan of the Souveran wax and have been using it on all my cars for over a year now. Hands down the best look and paint depth I've ever achieved, but I have noticed that the cars with Souveran seem to atract dust far faster than when I've used another product like Klasse or Zaino.

Is this just my imagination or is there a trick to getting a Souveran finish without the dust attraction?

03-10-2010, 11:18 AM
All paste and liquid waxes will attract dust to some extent. The oils that create the shine are dust magnets until they dry out after a couple days. Just wait till summer. Souveran also attracts small flying creatures because of how fruity it smells. The dust and flies are worth tolerating for a couple days if it means I can enjoy the awesomeness of Souveran though.

There are waxes that are way worse at dust attraction than the Pinnacle waxes, by the way. However, the higher the oil content, the worse you will see the dust problem for the first few days. It is just part of waxing. Give sealants a try. I don't get dust problems with Wolfgang. In fact, I believe Klasse Sealant Glaze is even an anti-static product that repels dust. I read that somewhere way back. I've never seen anything to prove otherwise, so it may very well be true.

Mike Phillips
03-10-2010, 11:41 AM
Is this just my imagination or is there a trick to getting a Souveran finish without the dust attraction?

Somewhere on this forum I've discussed this topic, maybe someone good at searching can find the relative posts? Search words like dust and attraction or accumulate or accumulation would probably work.

In a nutshell,

I've tested a lot of waxes side by side and this means chemically stripping an entire horizontal surface, (vertical panels are much more difficult to monitor results on), like a hood and then marking off very specific areas for the products to be tested.

BESIDES the results of the products, the thing I always noticed was that the sections where a product was applied, product = wax, synthetic paint sealant, hybrid, etc., ALWAYS accumulate more dust than the bare naked paint that was chemically stripped and left un-coated with anything. Always.

So the only way you would know if Pinnacle, or ANY product was more of a dust magnet than another product, for example as you mentioned, Klasse or Zaino, would be to chemically strip your car's hood, then ONLY apply the products you want to test to dedicated sections, usually about a foot squared or so and tape these off with painter's tape before applying the products so you have very strong demarcation lines between treated and un-treated areas.


03-10-2010, 04:14 PM
I think the use of oils in Souveran often gives us the perception of dust/dirt and sealants dont. Sometimes it may have more to do with the environment we are currently in and also the season.

Blackthorn One
03-10-2010, 04:37 PM
Fuzion is anti-static and repels dust fairly well. After doing a black SUV with it, it was still fairly dust free 2 hours later in the CA sun. Wax with Souveran, and it would get that dusty in 30 min or less.

03-10-2010, 07:29 PM
Use FK425 12 hours after applying the souveran.

03-10-2010, 08:26 PM
Use FK425 12 hours after applying the souveran.

I've been using Souveran for about 2 years now, great stuff. I do notice a bunch of dust collects after a day or so though. I also get the dreaded "carnuba flies" hanging around, they must think it's pretty good stuff too! I always thought the dust was just the environment, maybe not. Anyway, what is FK425? Does anyone use the California Duster? I've heard both very good and very bad things about it. Seems like a really easy way to deal with the dust but I've been told it can cause swirls and scratches. Any opinions?


03-10-2010, 09:05 PM
I've been using Souveran for about 2 years now, great stuff. I do notice a bunch of dust collects after a day or so though. I also get the dreaded "carnuba flies" hanging around, they must think it's pretty good stuff too! I always thought the dust was just the environment, maybe not. Anyway, what is FK425? Does anyone use the California Duster? I've heard both very good and very bad things about it. Seems like a really easy way to deal with the dust but I've been told it can cause swirls and scratches. Any opinions?


Finish Kare 425 Extra Slick Final Body Shine, finish care quick detailer, ultra slick detail spray (http://www.autogeek.net/finish-kare-425-detailer.html)

03-10-2010, 11:33 PM
I have also noticed a very minor amount of dust, but more so I have issues with small bugs come from nowhere and just sit on the car. Souveran does have a pleasent odor to it so I'll blame that for the attraction it has on little flying creatures, it's like when you wear cologne and sit outside in the evening and every little blood sucker goes after you.

2003 GMC Denali
03-11-2010, 04:32 AM
Man, this is disappointing.

I have a can of Souveran Paste-Wax all ready to go for this Summer... and on my Black Truck, I'm going to have clean dust-free Truck for just 30 Minutes?

This is down from my usual 45 Minutes. :autowash:

03-11-2010, 05:08 AM
dust or not . souveran is the best...:xyxthumbs:

Wax Gorilla
03-11-2010, 05:32 AM
I also use FUZION on Dark Colors = Blues, Blacks & Reds and very little dust attraction. Now the Dreaded Pollen is hitting !

03-11-2010, 05:46 AM
I also use FUZION on Dark Colors = Blues, Blacks & Reds and very little dust attraction. Now the Dreaded Pollen is hitting !

im not lookinf foward the that pollen. its the worst were i live greenish yellowish crap. it was so bad last year and lasted sooo long....grrrrr.....

A4 1.8tqm
03-11-2010, 06:57 AM
+1 for FK 425 over Souveran :xyxthumbs: :xyxthumbs:

Mike Phillips
03-11-2010, 10:03 AM
Man, this is disappointing.


Just to say it again, every time I've tested any wax or paint sealant, it never mattered what the brand or type was, the sections that had wax or paint sealant applied to them accumulated more dust then the surrounding paint that have been stripped down to nothing but just the paint.

The point is, you can't avoid dust accumulation.

You also can't test one product for dust accumulation or test one product against another product unless you start with a a "Control" and then only apply the test products to specific, defined areas.

If you apply wax to your entire car or truck and then see dust accumulate, how would you know if the accumulation was stronger or less than another product without some type of control or testing different products on for lack of a better word, naked paint?

The answer is you can't...

Not waxing your car or not applying a paint sealant isn't a good answer either because a quality wax and/or paint sealant will provide both protection and beauty.

After I finish some other things on my plate I'll do a search for what I wrote on this topic either on this forum or on MOL

It's one of those things that you really can't do much about it.

As for using a product that claims to be anti-static, again.. do a test on naked Patin and see if the naked paint attracts more dust or if the waxed or sealanted section attracts more dust.

Also, you can't take the static charge out of all the dust in the air, so even if you can find an anti-static wax or paint sealant, or hybrid, the paint itself will have it's own negative charge and the dust in the air will have it's own charge.

Deep thoughts on forums...
