View Full Version : Skipping Steps

03-09-2010, 11:34 AM
Well I finally had time (and weather) to use some of my recent purchase from AG. For reference, I'm working on a 09 Mits Eclipse Spyder. Rave Red Pearl paint.

Before I started the process, I had been testing different products on part of my trunk. The best solution for my swirls seemed to be Wolfgang TSR applied with a Tangerine Hydrotech pad.

Here was my dilema. The product finished so well, that I saw absolutely no imperfections when done (I was amazed). I even had a friend came over to take a peek. I know that I'm supposed to follow it with another product, but when I did on a test panel, we couldn't tell a difference at all. So I just stopped there and went straight to the Wolfgang sealant. She looks great now (I'm still amazed).

So here's the question, is this normal to stop after the TSR? Am I missing something here? I'm rookie, but love to learn, so a technical answer is also appreciated.

03-09-2010, 11:53 AM
Did you hit it with some IPA to make sure the swirls are really gone? Because anytime i've used a swirl remover it has been a heavy filler and didnt finish as nice as it seemed before the IPA wipe. You might wanna just spray and wipe a small area and if the swirls come back a good follow up would be m205 which finishes the job perfectly.

PAR Detailing
03-09-2010, 11:57 AM
I don't blame you for stopping. I probably would too. It really depends on the goal you have for the vehicle. Maybe next time do a test spot witha less aggressive product first. I will say the HT pads are the best I've ever used. I've done cars where cyan and 105 were almost, not quite but almost, lsp ready. I would say try a less aggressive approach next time so you save as much clear as possible. BUT the main goal is for you to be satisfied afterall it's your car. So if you are then no need to go any further unless you want to

03-09-2010, 11:59 AM
I did the same thing with a friends car by using the Wolfgang TSR and when he washed it, it did not bead any water. I would still apply some type of paint sealant or wax.

03-09-2010, 12:20 PM
Did you hit it with some IPA to make sure the swirls are really gone? Because anytime i've used a swirl remover it has been a heavy filler and didnt finish as nice as it seemed before the IPA wipe. You might wanna just spray and wipe a small area and if the swirls come back a good follow up would be m205 which finishes the job perfectly.

:iagree:Check this and be sure.

However as PAR detailing has stated the HT pads do finish ever so nicely. I too have seen where m105 and a cyan pad finished almost nice enough to go straight to the LSP.



After m105/cyan pad and IPA wipedown (nothing else)


After you do an IPA wipedown or wash the car a couple of times you will know what the true finish is. Then it is up to you if it is the results are what you want or if you want more out of the finish..

03-09-2010, 12:28 PM

After m105/cyan pad and IPA wipedown (nothing else)


After you do an IPA wipedown or wash the car a couple of times you will know what the true finish is. Then it is up to you if it is the results are what you want or if you want more out of the finish..

damn! thats after the M105Im the MAN

03-09-2010, 07:44 PM
when i used 105 on my sons mustang, i was shocked at how it finished. i almost stopped to. but then after using 205 and some wax...wow. that's what it is all about. now i'm waiting to do mine, and this time i got some menz 85rd to really sine her up. cant wait.

03-09-2010, 11:27 PM
Thanks everyone. I should have done an IPA wipe down, my bad. I will over a test area and report back. I did apply the Wolfgang sealant for protection.

I really think the pad had a lot to do with my results. Having done a test area with the pinnacle twins and LC orange/white pads, I just couldn't get good results. The tangerine just seems to finish so well.