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02-19-2010, 01:54 AM
So... i just recently purchased some Optimum soap. It says to use one ounce per gallon. I also got one of the 5 gallon buckets. Now, my question is; How do I know how much to use?

Im obviously not filling the entire bucket with water, so I am not using 5 ounces. I usally use about 3 cap fulls and then fill it with water till the suds reach the top. Does this sound like a good pratice? This way I am using 3 ounces of soap per wash.

Now, I just got a Daytona Speed Master brush and started using it to clean the inner rims. Once I do all 4 rims, I don't have enough suds/soap left over to do the whole car. Am I using to much for the rims? The brush seems to take alot of suds with it each time I dip it in the bucket.

02-19-2010, 02:29 AM
Don't worry about how much suds you can make, lubricity is the most important. First, fill up the bucket with 4 gallons of water. Then, measure 4 oz. of soap and pour it into the water. Then, mix the soap and water together by briskly moving your hands back and forth. You'll be good to go. :xyxthumbs: The way you were doing it, you'll end up with 90% suds, 10% water.

Buy a seperate wheel cleaner for the wheels. You can spray it on, agitate with a brush, then rinse off.

02-19-2010, 02:31 AM
Don't worry about how much suds you can make, lubricity is the most important. First, fill up the bucket with 4 gallons of water. Then, measure 4 oz. of soap and pour it into the water. Then, mix the soap and water together by briskly moving your hands back and forth. You'll be good to go. :xyxthumbs:

You could also just hit it with the sprayer at full blast. Quick suds and mixes it as well. It's how I do it.

02-19-2010, 02:46 AM
Well, I kinda eliminated part of the problem....

Just gave in a purchased a Foam Master gun :buffing:

It seems my major problem has bee getting enough soap on the car to really clean and not scratch. I did a full polish a little over 2 months ago and I already have swirls again. Hopefully this will eliminate most of that problem.

Zinc, I tried some of the Hyper Dressing... I like it. I think I got it a bit to watery tho. Plus, should you be able to apply it by an applicator? If so... I deff got it to watery.

02-19-2010, 03:31 AM
Please tell me you're not using the same wash water on the car that you used on the wheels. That is a surefire way to put tons of swirls and scratches back in your paint. Buy a separate bucket (you can pick up a small bucket at Wal-Mart for less than $2) and use only that bucket for your wheels. Then have two separate buckets with grit guards (and a separate wash solution) for the car itself. Make sure anything you are using on the wheels (wash mitt, brush, microfiber towels, etc.) is not being used on the paint at all. Also, if you are washing your wheels with soap and water, rinse out your wash media before putting it back in the bucket. That will help not to kill the suds. Hope this helps. :xyxthumbs:

02-19-2010, 03:37 AM
I use seperate wash mitts for the rims for sure. I also use the two bucket method and throw out the rinse bucket before doing the car. I have been using the same wash bucket, but never have I put a dirty mitt into the wash bucket.

02-19-2010, 03:48 AM
I use seperate wash mitts for the rims for sure. I also use the two bucket method and throw out the rinse bucket before doing the car. I have been using the same wash bucket, but never have I put a dirty mitt into the wash bucket.

OK. Still, it really would be best if you used a separate bucket and wash solution for the wheels. That way you avoid even the slightest chance of any cross contamination. :xyxthumbs:

02-19-2010, 07:52 AM
You want to fill the bucket with water and as it is filling add the soap so it mixes around. ONce he bucket get to about 4 gallon take the hose ut of the water, then spray the water for suds.

Note some osaps sud more then others. You do notthe suds to have a good car wash soap.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro9wVJuGcuI]YouTube - Two "Must Have" Car Washing Tools - The Brass Shut-off Valve & Brass Quick Connector[/video]

A4 1.8tqm
02-19-2010, 10:46 AM
:goodpost: I had that video in mind as well

Don't worry about how much suds you can make, lubricity is the most important.

Now, I just got a Daytona Speed Master brush and started using it to clean the inner rims. Once I do all 4 rims, I don't have enough suds/soap left over to do the whole car. Am I using to much for the rims? The brush seems to take alot of suds with it each time I dip it in the bucket.

The the wash media used to clean the wheels, as Ciera said, should never go into the same buckets used for paint, that explains you quote below pretty well. I prefer to use an APC+ at 10:1 in a spray bottle to spray down the wheels. Then one at a time agitate with the brush and rinse with the hose. No bucket, no worries. :xyxthumbs:

It seems my major problem has been getting enough soap on the car to really clean and not scratch. I did a full polish a little over 2 months ago and I already have swirls again.

I really like adding a cap-full of ONR (http://www.autogeek.net/optimum-no-rinse.html) to my wash and rinse buckets for added protection. From the product description: "The polymers encapsulate dirt and cause it to drop to the bottom of the bucket. No Rinse Wash & Shine actually cleans the wash water as it cleans your vehicle! And it leaves your vehicle super slick, like it was just waxed!" This action along with grit guards is a match in heaven [AGO].

Safety first, and remember, only YOU can prevent swirl marks!

02-19-2010, 11:09 AM
Well, I kinda eliminated part of the problem....

Just gave in a purchased a Foam Master gun :buffing:

It seems my major problem has bee getting enough soap on the car to really clean and not scratch. I did a full polish a little over 2 months ago and I already have swirls again. Hopefully this will eliminate most of that problem.

Zinc, I tried some of the Hyper Dressing... I like it. I think I got it a bit to watery tho. Plus, should you be able to apply it by an applicator? If so... I deff got it to watery.

What dilution did you set it at? I have mine at a 3:1 and it's pretty watery. Try spraying the HD on the tire itself and give it a minute. Come back and wipe the tire down with a Wal Mart MF towel and rewipe your wheels. I found this to be the easiest way with HD.

02-19-2010, 11:40 AM
I will deffenitly look into the ONR. That seems like a good addition to help keep whatever dirt that does get into the wash bucket suspended. Not very expensive as well.

What APC have you used for the wheels that works the best when diluted? I have been looking at buying some of the Gel cleaners since my tires are always dirty, but worried about the cost since it takes alot to cover all 4 wheels.

I am hoping the foam gun will help out with this issue as well. I plan to use the method of spraying the foam gun in the path of my mitt. That seems like the best way to add plenty of lubracation to keep the swirls out.

Zinc, I did not really messure it much. I took a spray bottle I had and put all the hyper dressing in (about half) and filled the rest with water. The main issue I have is the spray gets all over the rims. I have to go back and wipe down the tire and rim... its not a problem... just annoying.

Oh ya... theres something up with that video... I tried watching it the other day and it keeps giving me an error.

I really appreciate all the help thus far everyone.

02-19-2010, 11:47 AM
I had a thread going discussing such matters, but it seems to have disappeared?

Without picking out what others have said my take is this...
Graduate your wash bucket with lines at each gallon. This is easy to do - just measure out a gallon of water, pour it in the bucket, mark a line where it hits...repeat.

Then get you a cup or something that is made to use with the soap you use commonly. If it takes 1oz. per gallon and you usually fill to the 4 gallon mark, mark the cup at the 4oz. mark. Then, you can quickly fill your water to the 3 gallon line or so, then pour in your 4.oz of soap, and finish filling while stirring.

The suds aren't there this way - which is good IMO.
That's a whole other thread though (which is gone...)

Meg's APC+ at 4:1 for wheels and tires and wells.
The gel's are quite costly, and for most wheels, the APC+ is plenty safe.


A4 1.8tqm
02-19-2010, 11:59 AM
What APC have you used for the wheels that works the best when diluted? I have been looking at buying some of the Gel cleaners since my tires are always dirty, but worried about the cost since it takes a lot to cover all 4 wheels.

Heard great things about P21s gel, but as you said cost... I'm using Meguiars APC+ (http://www.autogeek.net/meguiars-all-purpose-cleaner-plus-d103.html), (I think it is diluted even further than 10:1) just a light mist on the wheels/tires. I don't have a speed master, yet, i use a brush like this one Mothers Wheel Brush (http://www.autogeek.net/mothers-wheel-brush.html) and spray lot's of the cleaner on it as well, then rinse after each wheel.

02-19-2010, 12:14 PM
Dang, that APC is cheap to. $13 for a gallon? Nice... I have Clear Coated rims. Would the APC be good for them?

Now, when you say 10:1 or 4:1. I know it means parts, but whats the best way to get it right? Say I got one of the 32oz spray bottles, how would I messure out say 10:1?

This thread has gone all over the place... atleast is all informative tho.

DBL, thats a great idea on the bucket marking. I will do that.

02-19-2010, 12:22 PM
Take the number of parts and divide it into the total oz.
EG: You want a dilution of 4:1 - that is 5 parts (4 parts water to 1 part APC).
You are putting it into a 32 oz. bottle.
Put 6.4 oz of APC and 25.6 oz of water.
Or, 6 oz and 24 oz would be more common. (the larger number is 4 times the smaller number).

Oh, and the APC+ is safe on your clear coated wheels.