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10-14-2006, 07:28 PM
How in the holy hell do you guys get the polish off>????
I started my dads truck today.. I'ts old like 88 F150 or something like that. Lot's of oxidation.
So I'm using the green edge pad with some megs #83 paint is looking pretty good BUT I cant for the life of me get this stuff off. If I do a few small spots let it dry and then try and wipe with MF. I have to press with all my mite to get this stuff off. And I'm no weakling. Really Half the hood liked to kill me.
Ok so I tried doing a little spot turning of pc and wiping imeaditly but it sill hard as hell to get off. ### is going on.. Im I cursed.
So then I do a small spot 16x16 say and put QDer on it and that's seems to work better. But heaven forbid I let this stuff dry.....
I only had time to wax the hood before it got dark the wax came of sooooooooo easy NTX. But megs #83 is really pissing me off. I'm about ready to throw it in the trash.
What do you guys do?????
I'm definitely going to have to find another brand of polish that comes off easier.........Any suggestions>>??
Any one use #83 have this problem? Or is it just that my bottle of 83 that's cursed?
I for got my digital camera at home but did use a disposable so I'll post pics in a few days.:confused:

DS Detailer
10-14-2006, 07:34 PM
70/30 Alcohol to water. mist, and wipe.

10-14-2006, 07:43 PM
maybe its the oxidized paint?i have no experience with 83 but i have experience with bad paint...sounds like its still in really rough shape. if you wanna switch id suggest trying out the XMT line

10-14-2006, 07:53 PM
megs can be a um badword to remove in the sun. Look at some poorboys or XMT. But yeah as mentioned, 70/30 alc/h2O mix.

10-14-2006, 08:43 PM
#83 can be a bear to remove, it has a tendency to gum up if you use too much and don't clean the pad frequently....Just mist it with some Quick Detail spray should come right off.:)

Also, make sure the #83 is fully broken down to a light haze....Sounds like your using too much to me.

10-14-2006, 08:51 PM
Use less product.
This plus maybe working it a little longer. No sunlight either for Meg's products. #9 is the only one that will work in the sun.

10-14-2006, 09:22 PM
If you are willing to work with #83, then remove it with water/alcohol mix, or QD. But I would recommend to upgrade to XMT or SSR products, they are much easier to work with.

10-14-2006, 09:22 PM
OK thanks guys.........would product would you use instead of #80 and 83.........???
I was going pretty light!! I made an effort to NOT put it on to thick but I'll try even lighter next time.

10-14-2006, 09:24 PM
If you are willing to work with #83, then remove it with water/alcohol mix, or QD. But I would recommend to upgrade to XMT or SSR products, they are much easier to work with.

I may just do that cuz the 83 really pissed me off I'll give it another try though.

10-14-2006, 09:43 PM
I would use the XMT line up.
Has more bite, can be used in the sun, and easy to remove.

10-14-2006, 09:56 PM
If you have a stubborn polish, consider a damp towel or qd'er. Most polishes are quite easy to remove, but sometimes you need to beat them at their own game. If it gets real bad and big area ... rewash !

10-14-2006, 10:09 PM
How in the holy hell do you guys get the polish off>????
I started my dads truck today.. I'ts old like 88 F150 or something like that. Lot's of oxidation.
So I'm using the green edge pad with some megs #83 paint is looking pretty good BUT I cant for the life of me get this stuff off. If I do a few small spots let it dry and then try and wipe with MF. I have to press with all my mite to get this stuff off. And I'm no weakling. Really Half the hood liked to kill me.
Ok so I tried doing a little spot turning of pc and wiping imeaditly but it sill hard as hell to get off. ### is going on.. Im I cursed.
So then I do a small spot 16x16 say and put QDer on it and that's seems to work better. But heaven forbid I let this stuff dry.....
I only had time to wax the hood before it got dark the wax came of sooooooooo easy NTX. But megs #83 is really pissing me off. I'm about ready to throw it in the trash.
What do you guys do?????
I'm definitely going to have to find another brand of polish that comes off easier.........Any suggestions>>??
Any one use #83 have this problem? Or is it just that my bottle of 83 that's cursed?
I for got my digital camera at home but did use a disposable so I'll post pics in a few days.:confused:

actually you are working it to long, work it till it breaks down completely, but wipe it off before it drys, its not a wax therefore does not need to dry

10-14-2006, 11:24 PM
actually you are working it to long, work it till it breaks down completely, but wipe it off before it drys, its not a wax therefore does not need to dry

I'll try that I'll have to hit a few spots I probably didnt get in the failing light tonight and and then I'm going to throw on some NTX. Then it's time for the chrome, interior and wheels........Thanks for all the advice everyone...

10-14-2006, 11:38 PM
Never used #83. I use Optimum Polish and Optimum Compound, wipes off very easily even in South FL sun/heat.

10-15-2006, 07:29 AM
Remember to mist your pad with a QD while using #83. Keeps it from clogging and helps on the work time.
Makes a huge difference.