View Full Version : Holograms...

02-16-2010, 08:42 PM
So I washed and 1-stepped the Pilot over the weekend.

DP wash and gloss
Megs Clay with DPWG diluted for clay lube
XMT 360 on white CCS with pc Xp

So today I was out in the sun and noticed that it looks like I put some buffer swirl/holograms on the back passenger quarter panel. All of the pictures didn't capture what I saw.

Is this possible and do I need to follow-up with another product?

Feed back please

Matt S.
02-16-2010, 08:51 PM
What speed did you work XMT 360, and how long did you work it in? It does have some light abrasives in it that need to be broken down. I would go over it with XMT 360 on a gray finishing pad, and work it in on speed 5-6 until it is fully broken down. Your Honda also has pretty soft paint, which adds to the whole effect so you want to use the softer pad and ensure that the polish is fully broken down. :)

02-16-2010, 09:09 PM
What speed did you work XMT 360, and how long did you work it in? It does have some light abrasives in it that need to be broken down. I would go over it with XMT 360 on a gray finishing pad, and work it in on speed 5-6 until it is fully broken down. Your Honda also has pretty soft paint, which adds to the whole effect so you want to use the softer pad and ensure that the polish is fully broken down. :)

I will try going over it with XMT 360 and a grey pad. I am glad you can only see it in one type of light at one specific angle. It is my first go with the DA so I didn't expect it to be perfect.

I was excited that the UC and an orange pad got a big scrape off the bumper though.

02-16-2010, 09:13 PM
Did you try using a QD over it first? It could also very well be left over residue.

02-16-2010, 09:29 PM
I thought you really can't put holograms in the paint with a PC, or and DA? Marring, yes..........

02-16-2010, 09:53 PM
What speed did you work XMT 360, and how long did you work it in? It does have some light abrasives in it that need to be broken down.

I think I worked it on 4-5 for about a minute from what I remember. How do you know when it is "broken down"?


02-16-2010, 10:03 PM
I think I worked it on 4-5 for about a minute from what I remember. How do you know when it is "broken down"?

You should probably work XMT 360 at speed 6. I'll let Matt answer the broken down part.

Use Meguiars SMAT products, the abrasives don't break down, so you don't have to "know" when they've broken down.


D151 has the same idea as XMT 360, but it's a better "all in one" product.

Matt S.
02-17-2010, 09:48 AM
I thought you really can't put holograms in the paint with a PC, or and DA? Marring, yes, but nothing really visible in the sun....

Depends on speed, pad movement, etc.

Not fully breaking down a polish will leave marks in the paint regardless of what machine you're using. How you perceive them can vary from person to person. :)

I think I worked it on 4-5 for about a minute from what I remember. How do you know when it is "broken down"?


A minute per how big of a section? Anyhow, try speed 6 with the gray pad. Go slow, about 1-2 inches per second, overlapping each stroke. When the polish is fully broken down, it should turn translucent. At that point, you can bump it down to speed 5 and give it an extra 1-2 section passes with very light pressure to help "refine" the finish.

Mike Phillips
02-17-2010, 12:05 PM
So today I was out in the sun and noticed that it looks like I put some buffer swirl/holograms on the back passenger quarter panel.

If you're using a DA Polisher,

DA Polisher = PC 7424XP/Meguiar's G110v2/Griot's Garage ROP

Then what you're seeing is micro-marring or hazing, Meguiar's chemists refer to them as Tick Marks.

Rotary buffer swirls, buffer trails or holograms are terms used to describe the zig/zap pattern left by a rotary buffer.

Question? Did you do a Test Spot to just a small section first, and then inspect your results in bright light? Or did you find out there was marring in the paint after buffing the entire car out?

What color is this Pilot?


Mike Phillips
02-17-2010, 12:09 PM
I need to capture and add some more pictures to this thread but here's a reference for a variety of defect in paint that we talk about on detailing discussion forums.

Tracers Tracers - RIDS - Pigtails - Cobweb Swirls - Rotary Buffer Swirls - Holograms - Water Spots - Bird Drooping Etchings - Micro-Marring (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-frequently-asked-questions/22234-tracers-rids-pigtails-cobweb-swirls-rotary-buffer-swirls-holograms-water-spots-bird-droping-etchings-micro-marring.html)


02-17-2010, 11:33 PM
Just a note, a picture will help determine what has happened.

02-17-2010, 11:49 PM
If you're using a DA Polisher,

DA Polisher = PC 7424XP/Meguiar's G110v2/Griot's Garage ROP

Then what you're seeing is micro-marring or hazing, Meguiar's chemists refer to them as Tick Marks.

Rotary buffer swirls, buffer trails or holograms are terms used to describe the zig/zap pattern left by a rotary buffer.

Question? Did you do a Test Spot to just a small section first, and then inspect your results in bright light? Or did you find out there was marring in the paint after buffing the entire car out?

What color is this Pilot?


I did a test spot on the front quarter panel and it did great. The only place where I see these is on the rear quarter panel. I looked all over the entire car in the sun this morning and saw none. The pilot is Steel Blue Metallic - 2006

02-17-2010, 11:51 PM
Just a note, a picture will help determine what has happened.

Unfortunately I can't get the pictures to do it justice. I am out of town all next week for a work meeting, so will have to readdress in a few weeks,

I do appreciate all the good tips though.

Mike Phillips
02-18-2010, 12:04 AM
I did a test spot on the front quarter panel and it did great. The only place where I see these is on the rear quarter panel. I looked all over the entire car in the sun this morning and saw none. The pilot is Steel Blue Metallic - 2006

Interesting that you're only seeing the problem in one area.

Could be you just need to re-work the area again and use really good technique, work the panel for about 4-6 section passes and for the last few passes slow the polisher down and lessen your pressure.

Don't buff to a dry buff, you should always see a wet film on the surface.

Matt recommended using a finishing pad on the 6.0 setting, maybe try this but that's pretty fast, try it and see how it works, might also just try the 5.0 speed setting and then bump down to the 4.0 to 4.5 for that last few passes and lessen your pressure.

Cleaner/waxes can be tricky because while they're removing defects they are also leaving behind a wax coating which can mask or fill-in any marring taking place.

I'm sure you're cleaning your pad often if not then keep in mind this is very important. Anytime you're using a product that abrades you're removing a little paint. This removed paint mixes with your spent or used up product and builds-up on the face of the buffing pad.

If you don't have a pad washer you can use the below technique...

How to clean your foam pad on the fly (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/how-articles/20135-how-clean-your-foam-pad-fly.html)

This article goes over some very specific information on use DA Polishers...

Tips and Techniques for using the PC 7424XP Dual Action Polisher to remove Below Surface Defects (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/expert-tips/20021-tips-techniques-using-porter-cable-7424xp.html)
