View Full Version : Thank you Souveran!!!

10-14-2006, 04:13 AM
need i say more? yeah i know what you're gonna say, "wait till you try the Souveran paste." :)

does this wax prevents water spots? and has anybody tried over the counter car wash with a foam gun?



10-14-2006, 04:23 AM
Wait till you try the Souveran paste.


In my own experience, I haven't come across any sealant or wax that prevents water spots if said spots are left on the car for a while. Seem to just eat through everything if not removed soon after they appear.

And for the second edit, yes. Meg's Gold class in my foam gun. Foams up decently. Hopefully even better once I receive my in-line water filter. :)

10-14-2006, 04:40 AM
http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/autogeek_1916_68698083 Love it! Don't have the paste yet.

OTC car wash I used NXT, Duragloss 901 both foam up nice. The best OTC was Duragloss IMO. But DP so far has better cleaning.

10-14-2006, 05:04 AM
sounds good, thanks alot.

now its on my wishlists.