View Full Version : Amount used per vehicle?

02-13-2010, 10:29 AM
just a quick question, cause im still really new to all this. How much product per step do you guys typically use for an average sized vehicle when polishing.

for example if you were using menzerna products:

how much "Power Finish" would you use?

then how much "85RD" would you use?

sorry for the newb question... im just tryin to get a bigger of it all in my head, and costs of a detail.

thanks Feed back please

02-13-2010, 11:00 AM
That's a really hard question to answer.It all depends how bad the defects are.Product like 85Rd goes a long way since you really don't need alot to finish .And also if the clear coat is harder or a softer clear coat.On covettes i tend to use more product then when i do a Volvo that isn't as hard.As for how much i've never keep track only concerned with the end result.Thats why they make all kind of size's from quarts to gallon's

02-13-2010, 02:57 PM
I'm with Harleyguy on that question. It depends on the car and it's condition on how much product I use. You use what you need to in order to get the job done right.