View Full Version : Good or bad?

02-11-2010, 07:12 PM
I was cleaning up the truck today and did something I've done for a long time, and got to wondering if its good or bad. When I wax my truck, after I'm done I'll clean the wax pad off on the side windows. Not the front or back glass(Aquapel on those,thanks Killr.) But is this a good or bad idea? Sure gets rid of water spots and makes them shine.

A4 1.8tqm
02-11-2010, 08:01 PM
By clean the wax pad do you mean that you wax the windows? I have done the same thing a few times on my Audi with Max Wax. After waxing all the paint I'll use the wax that's left in the pad on the windows/trim (if the trim has not been dressed in a while). It really is an easy way to even out the look of the car but I prefer to use dedicated products. Not sure if there will be any negative effects, haven't noticed any though :xyxthumbs:

02-11-2010, 08:09 PM
Yes, I wax the windows. And good point about the trim.