View Full Version : Ah ..... Carnuba

04-03-2006, 06:32 PM
Well since most detailers consider carnuba to be the "nectar from the gods of heaven", lets just see which one you consider the best of the best. Consider price, value, look, and final appearance as well as ease of use and durability. Please provide specifics as to your choice , and yes I tossed in a couple of discontinued items for good measure. ;)

I'll start --- Souveran , and its simply really, it is the only product I keep coming back to use again and again. It has "highlighted" detailing for me ...

Mike T
04-03-2006, 09:35 PM
Currently I've been using Natty's blue. Before that I was a big Meguiar's fan. I'm interested in experimenting with some different wax. Over the weekend I helped a buddy of mine detail his wife's car. After several polishes I used Natty's blue to seal. On top of that I went over the car with QW+ to give it even more shine and oil. We then divided the hood in two and I left my side with the QW+ and he topped his side with that new Nanospray wax. Result the the nanowax side became a tad duller and when we did the rag test we through it across the QW+ side and the rag went over the hood and off the car. On the Nano side the rag went across the Nano and came to a stop. Sorry for the boring post I thought I would give some feedback and I have One question. Why is the Pinnacle Souveran Paste so expensive? Could I get some feedback from users?

04-03-2006, 10:46 PM
My vote goes to Souveran as well. Like killrwheels says, it's the wax I keep coming back to use again & again. It's simply magic on my black sand pearl paint. Natty's Blue & Pink Wax get my vote for runner ups. ( As does Butter Wet Wax)

04-03-2006, 10:49 PM
I choose natty's blue. I like the look of souveran better, but it's price just isnt worth it. I get 95% of the looks of it when using NB for only 15 bucks. cant beat that.

04-04-2006, 05:43 PM
Why is the Pinnacle Souveran Paste so expensive? Could I get some feedback from users?

Part of the pricing comes down to the finest ingredients. Refining the carnuba further than most/all other products is also a cost. What I would remind you is that you use very little, and will get an honest 25-40 coats per jar. Thats less than 2.00 per use for the best carnuba period. How do you spend on lottery tickets ?? Cold Soda ?? Starbucks Coffee ?? (not trying to be sarcastic but can you put a price on the best finish, some obviously can and thats ok)

I would also suggest a kit as the savings can be quite tremendous especially with free shipping. http://www.pinnaclewax.com/souvinkit.html

04-04-2006, 08:21 PM
I struggled with how to answer this, but in the end picked Max Wax. Over the last few weeks I've used this on my Mom's white van, my wife's dark green metallic Liberty and my daughter's magnesium metallic and with each of these I've previously used (multiple times) one or the other Natty's, and on each color/finish I've found Max Wax to provide a deeper, wetter, glossier look. The differences were nominal on the dark green, but substaintial on the other 2.

The only other wax I've used on this list is P21S but it just didn't excite me. Good clarity, but not alot of wetness. Go figure.

Mike T
04-05-2006, 10:35 AM
So what makes Souveran so expensive over its brother in the liquid form?

04-05-2006, 11:20 AM
On that list I have only used Max Wax and Pink Wax.

Max Wax was last summer, Pink Wax is this year, LOL
I liked both products, easy on easy off... great shine no problems.

Pink Wax got my vote because of price and the fact I can layer with other FK1 products with no cure time. They will all cure together.

04-05-2006, 04:17 PM
So what makes Souveran so expensive over its brother in the liquid form?

completely different products and different ingredients. Liquid is designed to last longer (polymer tech) and can be used over the entire car/truck prior to being removed. If I remember correctly, liquid does not use the Ivory carnuba either ....

04-08-2006, 09:26 PM
I went for Signature because it is an awesome wax on light and dark. I've found that Souveran looks much better on dark cars than it does on light. Signature looks just as great on both. Kind of like how S100/P21S behave. I'd have to go with Signature over the other ones because I feel it leaves the paint looking wetter than the others. Just personal taste I guess.

04-08-2006, 09:46 PM
It is interesting to read the comments about the different waxes. Funny no one has posted about P21S/S100. If I were to choose a carnuaba for best overall effect it would have to be P21S/S100. I did a personal unsceintific test on the hood of my black truck this past winter. Although I did not use every carnuaba listed on the poll I did use three and one not mentioned which is a very elite high end carnuaba. For my tastes P21S looked good, beaded well, was slicker, and attracted less dust from the elements. The only bad thing about the test for me is that I found that I did not like the longevity of any of the carnuaba's. Now I only use a carnuaba wax on any vehicle when specifically asked for by my friends on their vehicles.

04-09-2006, 09:52 AM
I have used P21S and found it to be lacking compared to several lesser carnuba's. I think its high use of beeswax (great for beading, but does nothing for a finish or protection) is what garners its attention. Pinnacles line for instances uses no beeswax.

I will agree that carnubas lack durability, but for the hobbist that is of no concern. Hardly a month goes by without a layer of this or that, thus the same as needing another coat of carnuba. It really comes down to the look and sealants in general are bright and reflective, whereas carnubas are warm and offer depth.

I however cannot wait for the product that truly offers the best of both. Super durability, super looks, super protection, and ease of use. We are clearly getting there but mixing, curing times, polymer technology need to be advanced into one bottle or paste, simply needing a good applicator.