View Full Version : Two Questions

Excessive Detail
10-09-2006, 12:32 PM
Okay, first question. I don't want to metion what I did a few weeks ago, but I should have my ass kicked for it and as a result I have very bad polish marring all over my car. I tried over the weekend xmt 1 and a white pad first, didn't even touch it, so I switche to an orange edge pad on 5, nothing, I'm wondering if I should just step up the polish to like ssr 2.5, I tried xmt 2, still nothing, what do you guyz think?

Second question, after just one wash on my brand new mf with micro restore, following all the directions and advice from you guyz, just hang dried them in my room, no dyer, water or whatever liqiud I'm using just rolls off, doesn't even penetrat the fibers unless I rub into the mf, while a brand new on just soaks it straihgt up, what am I doing wrong and have any of you noticed this before?


10-09-2006, 12:37 PM
Do you have the XMT 3? It has the same cutting power as 2.5, but it finishes down farther. As for the micro rejuvenator, I'm mystified on that one. Did you have alot of wax residue on it perhaps? That's the only thing I can think of that might make the water bead and roll off it. I've used both the Pinnacle micro rejuvenator and the Microrestorer and have never had any issues with either.

10-09-2006, 01:26 PM
I've never used microrestore, but wanted to say that because of the potential for product residue that Jen mentioned, I "pre-soak" my MF's with product on them in some dish soap. I don't soak the drying towels or anything used to buff, only the things that come into contact with any wet detailing product. Then I rinse them out, and then run all my towels & applicators through the wash. That may be overkill but I don't have any issues with residue.

Just my $0.02. :)

10-09-2006, 02:50 PM
I use Microrestore all the time. Dont use to much (thats why the cap has prefiller) and I use my dryer on no heat with dryer balls. I would rewash and see if the previous soap and current soap were incompatible.