View Full Version : Trim Area Cleaning techniques

01-11-2010, 01:20 AM
On my own vehicle, I have alot of 'honeycomb' areas. Annoying as can be and attract all sorts of dirt and residues.

To clean the front grill I used a soft bristle tooth brush and some 4:1 APC. Came alright pretty good, but in the hood scoop I cannot take it out. Well, I can but it'd require me to take the heat shield off the hood and take the hood scoop completely off.

Is there any way I can get the residues out from the previous owner? I've had the car for 2 years and it's been eating at me for awhile now.

I tried being very gentle and using a soft bristle toothbrush but tried only water. Think I should step it up to the APC or is there an easier way that I'm overlooking?

01-11-2010, 01:35 AM
I would use q-tips to clean the area in the hood scope.

01-11-2010, 01:37 AM
Way wrong section. Mods, could you move it? I didn't realize it even posted. I guess something bogged way out. I even made a duplicate post in the 101 section.


Thanks Asphalt