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12-16-2009, 10:49 AM
Waxes quality versus hype
Preface, this thread wasn't started to create a knock down, drag out war of opinions. I know how to test etc and have spent a lot of money buying products to test and part of this thread to educate others down the road and take what I've found so far, start a discussion with others here and hopefully end up with some helpful info for users who only care about a product's quality.
Also, I'm looking for discernable, gaugeable ways of determining difference versus just personal opinions that are subjective.
I'm sure there are a lot of people out there who like to understand everything they do and always have the little nagging "Why" question on everything they do.
I've been experimenting with some waxes. My nagging "why" question is why did I just waste money on these high waxes.
I won't mention the names of the high $ waxes I've purchased here lately and tested. (By test for now it's only been apply and try to notice a difference.)
I will list the "cheap one" I picked up a couple of months ago. It's the Meg's NXT Tech 2.0 wax. I'm not plugging the wax either. There are probably other $15 bottles of wax out there which are just as good. It's just what I happened to have and use that has started this topic for me.
I know some will probably snub their nose but I got it to wax a car I was selling and it was a Meg's product I could pick up at Wally world. While doing my car a neighbor wanted to do theirs. The process was just a simple wash, clay and wax. I was just impressed with the way it went on, came off with little chalky residue and look it left.
I even had somebody that wanted a "quick" i.e cost effective wash/wax. It was on a Blue BMW that was and still is all swirled out. But I got a Daaaayuumm when he came back and there was nothing special done. Again just wash and NXT Tech 2.0 wax. I actually had to send him a link to it to buy.
Cars involved in the above discussion. 2009 White Ford F-350, 2009 Black Mercedes C300, 2009 Atomic Blue Civic, Black Mercedes junk door, Red Mustang Junk fender, Blue BMW 330i, Black Honda Accord, Green Honda Accord, 2002 Silver Nissan Xterra & 06 Silver Honda civic.
Since then I "wanted to do better". I've gotten on forums and read and tested process of making the paint shine. There are absolute methods such as using a machine to get out swirls when can bring out the shine a lot better.
However for waxes, I've purchased $100ish & $200ish bottles of "High End" waxes. Again, I'm not attacking any product, but I'm starting to question, is there really any measurable, tangible values in any of the high $ waxes over this $15 bottle of wax. Or is it hype and build up that catches steam that makes us believe there is a difference for profit.
I'm trying to step back from the marketing I've read and going solely on what my eye sees and the persons I have look at test I've done. I just don't see the difference in the look nor has anybody I've had in my tests. (They don't know which section I've done with what.) These people have a decent eye and can tell a section on a car I've clay barred versus where I haven't etc. I don't ask people that don't have a clue.
I don't notice any difference with the ease in which these different levels of wax go on and come off. The factor I've yet to test is durability but on the one car, the NXT is 5 weeks, sitting outside and it's rained more than usually during this period and it's still going strong. Plus I use a sealant for durability anyway but have been on the quest for the best shine I can get.
Having said that, this is just my opinion. Others will have theirs and it brings me too, is there a way to back up claims of a wax product. It's easy to sit down and do a marketing write up and how exotic this or that is but for all most of us know, a company can dump the same product in a different wrapper, change the color a little and just pad their profit. Also sometimes we fall prey the "it costs more so it's got to be better". There's actually a funny direct TV commercial making light of this.
I'm not saying that's being done with anything I'm talking about but for me I've got to start seeing a tangible benefit or otherwise it's a waste of money. With that lead up, are there shine meters etc that can be used to back up these claims or more scientific methods other than, personal opinions on looks.
This is not only for me but for people I do work for. I realized all I'm doing is just relaying what I've read but honestly, I wouldn't pay a nickel more for somebody to use one of high $ waxes over the NXT I've used based on looks alone. If I find the high wax last 6 month's like a sealant and an NXT starts going away in 6 weeks, then I can consider that a difference. Are there other tangible things out there that people testing waxes have done to justify the costs of these "high end" waxes?
The only thing I can think of is a shine meter but would like to know if there are other ways.


P.S. When the weather gets good enough for me to wash one of my cars again, I think I'm going to pit the $15 wax against the $200ish jar on an atomic blue civic take pix and post for a guessing game.

Edit: Tacking on relavent research I find as I look into this one.

Which LSP is better for light colors? - Car Care Forums: Meguiar's Online (http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4657)

12-16-2009, 11:10 AM
The same people that have Fuzion, Souveran etc on their shelf and use it regularly also give high praise to plenty of $20 waxes including NXT 2.0. I have NXT on my shelf and have never said anything negative about it. You're right in the fact that it does leave a nice finish it's easy to use, smells good etc...

If you did a side by side test with NXT and Fuzion - perhaps most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. In reality, it's the condition under the wax that makes it really shine and the process used to get the paint to shine. The actual products used in any aspect of detailing is only a small portion of the result. It's YOU that makes the difference and it's YOU that made your friend say DAYUMMM when he saw his shiny Bimmer. He may have had the same reaction if you simply spritzed some aqua wax on it.

12-16-2009, 11:34 AM
NXT Tech Wax 2.0 is a paint sealant not a wax. I have some and found it rather disappointing.

For paint sealants Ultima Paint Guard Plus and Optimum Opti-Seal are far better deals.

12-16-2009, 11:40 AM
Let me start by saying I am a Souveran-aholic, but if you want an inexpensive true carnuba wax with an AWESOME shine and ease of application and removal, try MaxWax. I have used it several times on multiple colors and it really is a hidden treasure!!

12-16-2009, 11:46 AM
Frosty, like MP say's "Find something you like and use it often". I couldn't agree more. IMO waxes are subjective.

12-16-2009, 12:29 PM
Hey Everyone,

First thanks for the responses. I appreciate your thoughts.

Also, for a little clarity, I'm not touting NXT as being anything special. There could be a $3 a bottle of wax out there that proves NXT to be overpriced and not my intent for this post. I listed it as it's the lowest cost wax I've purchased and using it to compare.

I couldn't agree more that what's done under the car is what matters most and another point to the post.

Also, I didn't list any names of the more expensive waxes nor did I put there exact prices because I have nothing bad to say about them. Actually, my favorite part about them is their smell but from a pratical standpoint, how it smells going on isn't justification enough for me for paying the price or expecting somebody to pay more.

I'm looking at this solely from a technical point of view and trying to see if there are things outside of personal preferences based on something like "I like the way it looks." I really like the article I found by Mike and posted above about the subjectivity of a wax and it's going on a clear coat.

Anywho, a response of "It makes black brighter." is ok if there is a gauge or test that can be done to prove this. If it's just by a persons eyesite, again as Mike put it in the Meg's forum, we can all see things differently. So that brings me back to if that's the only factor and a $15 bottle of wax leaves a look that people can't discern then that's probably good enough for me. But if I hear a response that xyz is cheap and tests have shown that over the lifetime of it's use, it didn't properly protect from say UV damage, then that's a concern. Or it contains certain products that aren't good.

Judging by the first couple of responses it seems to just be a matter of preference which is ok.

Personally I'll add again I prefer the sealant so far. I like the idea of the longer protection and I just don't see a big difference going with it versus the waxes. To date, I've used Wolfgang's DGS 3.0 and liked it.

I just did a car with the Optimum Poli-Seal AIO and the customer "Really, really" liked it.

I just got some Meg's #21 2.0 sealant I plan to try next just for the fact it seems a lot more cost effective if it does a good job.

One thing I should have prefaced is a large reason behind this question is doing work for others. Obviously I'm not going to put on $200 wax for the same price as $15 wax and I'm trying to justify if one is really any better than the other that I would feel comfortable trying to justify charging more. As of now I can't.

Thanks again for the responses.

12-16-2009, 12:34 PM
In reality, it's the condition under the wax that makes it really shine and the process used to get the paint to shine.

Couldn't agree with you more. In this particular case though the car was dirty and swirled all out. I can't claim any credit as all I did is shoot it with the foam cannon, get all the dirt off and put the wax on it.

From 5 ft thought it looked good and was a huge improvement. Heck with the dirt gone was a big difference. But the wax did add a noticeable sparkle to me. His comment just reaffirmed it for me and the request for the type of wax. What got me thinking about this topic.

I wish he would have let me clay etc but I was pushing the envelope of the Auto Bell pricing so what he went with. :)

12-16-2009, 12:35 PM
For paint sealants Ultima Paint Guard Plus and Optimum Opti-Seal are far better deals.

I have Opti-Seal and put it on a car the other week. Was pleased with the results. Anxious to see how durable it is but I liked it.

try MaxWax

Thanks for the tip Trichard, I'll do some research on it

12-16-2009, 02:37 PM
I have Opti-Seal and put it on a car the other week. Was pleased with the results. Anxious to see how durable it is but I liked it.

I like these two products because of the ease of application and you can apply them in sunlight, since you spray the applicator not on the paint.

I haven't used Opti-Seal yet, because even after having put three layers of UPGP on four cars, I still have a lot of it left. Doesn't take much product.

12-16-2009, 03:04 PM
I like Natty's Blue and Red... Never had an issue with either. I hardly see anybody on here using it and honestly, I don't know why. I guess most people here are in the Souveran/Fuzion hype and have the money to spend $100+ per can of wax...

12-16-2009, 03:27 PM
try MaxWax.

Just looked this and looks like a good wax. Claims to last 2 to 3 months as well as the high $ ones I'm using.

I'll definitely look into it next go around.

12-16-2009, 04:09 PM
A few months ago I put together this list of "best" waxes and sealants (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/20258-best-waxes-sealants.html). I have tried a few of them over the past two years. Sometimes I think I can see a difference; sometimes I'm sure I cannot see a difference. I don't know. It's all very subjective. I do know that my black car looks great in every wax and sealant I have put on it, and it looks better after it's been polished. I agree with those who insist that proper prep is key.

My favorites so far:


Zymol Vintage (I was given a sample as a gift): my car looks delicious in it, I have to admit; but I would never ever ever consider buying the stuff in a million years, even if I was super wealthy. I also had sweating problems for a couple days afterwards.

Souveran: I think (I think) I can see the glow people talk about.

Fuzion: wet look, so easy to apply and remove.

Swissvax Best of Show: looks great, but I did experience some sweating for a day or two.

Harly Wax: easy to apply and remove, nice balanced warm look--an underrated wax.

Synthetic Sealants

Blackfire Wet Diamond: the slickest protectant I have tried. My car looks gorgeous in it.

Ultima Paint Guard Plus: just so darn easy! For my wife's CRV, I really do want to wipe it on and walk away. No buffing. What could be better?

Mother's Reflections: easy to apply and remove, great value.

NXT: looks great, no complaints.

My search for the perfect wax will continue this spring. I still have a couple of waxes in my collection that I haven't tried yet (50/50, P21S 100%, Midnight Sun, and Lusso Oro). I really wanted to avail myself of the Souveran BOGO this Thanksgiving, but I simply couldn't justify the expenditure when I still have a quarter of a tub left and I have so many other protectants in my collection--but I love Souveran! I also want to add Victoria Concours Red and Collinite 915. Don't ask me why. It's a sickness. :rolleyes:

12-16-2009, 04:34 PM
Just looked this and looks like a good wax. Claims to last 2 to 3 months as well as the high $ ones I'm using.

I'll definitely look into it next go around.

You definitely won't be sorry!!!

12-16-2009, 05:33 PM
My personal experience with NXT 2.0 hasn't been too good.
I didn't find it to look anything spectacular nor be very durable-maybe I got a bad bottle.

My favorites would have to be P21s 100% and WG DGPS, neither of which are that expensive, although one is a wax and one is a sealant.

12-16-2009, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the write up akimel. I can't help but ask, you said you experienced sweating problems? I'm trying to figure out how a wax could do that? I just ordered a 100 pack of nitrile gloves, 8511 mask & a half mask respiratory. I'm not chancing doing one thing to risk my health. Do you think your situation was touching the wax, inhaling or a combination of both.

As I mentioned the high dollar stuff I have smells so good I could wear it as cologne and I hate cologne. haha