View Full Version : Question on Sealant application and water

11-16-2009, 10:05 AM
Yesterday, I applied a coat of Duragloss 105 and two things happened with moisture that I'm not sure will or will not affect the bond.

Before applying 105 I washed the car. However, some water leaked out onto the foam applicator and onto the car (i.e. around lights and under back bumper). Should I have used a new applicator at that point as it now has water on it? Second occurrence is the sun went down as I was finishing up the car, I noticed the roof already had some dew on it. I brought the car into the garage and turned on some lights to help evaporate the moisture as quickly as possible. Will the dew affect the bond?


11-16-2009, 10:38 AM
You just have to get those wet areas some extra time to dry. If your applicator gets a bit moist from excess water coming out of the cracks and crevices of the car, it is still fine to proceed with the applicator pad. Again, just give extra time to dry and do finger swipe tests of those areas before buffing off.

I think the dew forming on the roof is okay as well, provided you gave it a little extra time to haze over.

11-16-2009, 12:35 PM
Sorry, didn't mention when the dew occurred......it was after the sealant hazed and was wiped off


11-16-2009, 12:44 PM
Howard, in that case I think you should still be fine. Duragloss does not really provide any information on cure time. I believe if you ask them directly, they say to wait about 24 hours before applying another coat of protection but I think DG105 is ready and protecting as soon as it's buffed off.