View Full Version : No tire and wheel section?

10-28-2009, 12:31 PM
I couldn't find one, so I thought I would ask this here. 2 questions: First, does anyone have any experience using nitrogen (http://www.automedia.com/Nitrogen_for_Tires/dsm20081201nt/1#at) in tires, especially motorcycle tires? It make sense when I read about it, but there is usually a downside to everything. Second, has anyone used dynabeads, again, preferably on motorcycles? Again, it makes sense, but seems like there is a lot that could go wrong with them. My bike has a wide, low-profile back tire, and it seems like the beads would have less room to move in there. And then to throw the 2 together, how could I drain all the air from my tires and replace it with Index of / (http://Nitrogen) without losing the dynabeads?

10-28-2009, 01:06 PM
the word on Nitrogen in all tires is mixed. I have done it on all my cars because its cheap and "I" feel a benefit. I dont see fluctuations in tire pressure as constantly as did with just compressed air.