View Full Version : How are LC flat pads for the rotary?

10-27-2009, 03:03 PM
I have been using 3M foam pads for a while now and am looking to make the switch because due to value. If anybody has ever tried the 3m pads they are very soft; all except the 3m foam compounding pad, which I do not like.

I was wondering about the firmness of these pads and how they work with the rotary. Specifically the orange pad. I have heard that it is too firm and does not have much give on a rotary but on a DA they seem fine.

Also how is the firmness of the new cyan and tangerine pads? Looking to pick up a few white and black pads but Im not sure if I want to get the cyan, orange, or tangerine pads if they wont work well or are too firm.

10-27-2009, 05:27 PM
I have been using 3M foam pads for a while now and am looking to make the switch because due to value. If anybody has ever tried the 3m pads they are very soft; all except the 3m foam compounding pad, which I do not like.

I was wondering about the firmness of these pads and how they work with the rotary. Specifically the orange pad. I have heard that it is too firm and does not have much give on a rotary but on a DA they seem fine.

Also how is the firmness of the new cyan and tangerine pads? Looking to pick up a few white and black pads but Im not sure if I want to get the cyan, orange, or tangerine pads if they wont work well or are too firm.

havent used them on a rotary, but ive used the meguiars yellow and red pads on a rotary and let me tell you... the yellow flat pad is the firmest for the LC set. and it isnt as firm as the meguiars red pad.

just prime the pads right and they will do their job, they always feel alot more firm than they actually are until you get into using them or they are primed.

10-27-2009, 06:26 PM
From what I read priming the orange pad does little to soften it up. From my own experience and with others softness and flexibility of a pad is important with a rotary. Especially on flat panels.

I see people using the german green specifically because of this reason but they dont have the german green for the 6.5 flat pads.

Does anyone know how the german green pad compare to the tangerine?

10-28-2009, 10:25 AM
Okay to answer your first question the LC flat pads IMHO do not work well with the rotary they are more for the PC, Flex, etc.. machines that to not require a slight tilt while working with them. I would highly recommend the LC curved CCS pad or the LC Variable contact pads if working with a rotary. Having the curved surface allows for a smoother flow while working.

Second im going to refer to the pad as what its purpose is (polishing, cutting, finishing). The LC light cut pad (orange) works just fine for me like turbotoys said they always seem a lot firmer until you are working with them. No problems there.

The pads that I carry in my arsenal (LC) is Light cut, polishing, finishing, and ultra finishing colors: (orange, white, black, red) those are the ones that I find are necessary and do the job of everything that I have come across thus far.

It really helps to not only name the color of the pad but the purpose of the pad becasue every manufacturer has a different color of pads for each grade.


Mike Phillips
10-28-2009, 10:42 AM
So far, every pad I've used available at Autogeek work great. Period.

The Kompressor pad? Work great on the rotary buffer, the Flex 3401 and all the PC style polishers.

The CCS pads? Work great on the rotary buffer, the Flex 3401 and all the PC style polishers.

The LC Flat Pads? Work great on the rotary buffer, the Flex 3401 and all the PC style polishers.

The Meguiar's 6" pads and 7" Softbuff pads? Work great on the rotary buffer, the Flex 3401 and all the PC style polishers. I have not used the Solo Foam pads on either PC style polishers, (I don't remember Meguiar's recommending them for this tool), nor have I tried them on the Flex 3401

The Griot's Garage foam pads? I've only used them on the Griot's Garage ROP and the PC7424XP and the G110 and they work great on these tools. My guess is they will work fine on the Flex 3401 and the RB but I'll use them first to confirm as they are a little on the thin side which is okay and even good for PC style polishers but not always for RB's. There's a min and max involved in safety of buffing.

The Hydro-Tech pads? Work great on the rotary buffer, the Flex 3401 and all the PC style polishers.

These are the foam pads that I've spent time with, there are more styles available that I have not had time to work with yet so I'll reserve comments on those.

Choice and personal preference of buffing pad size, design and foam formula is always going to be affected by the tool you're using, the chemicals you're using, the project you're working on and just as important your opinion of the pad based upon your first hand experience and the only way to get that is to go out into your garage or shop and spend some time behind the buffer.

Of course gathering information on different options is the first true step.

All pads clean really well in the Grit Guard Pad Washer too... and especially the Kompressor pads as their design lend itself to releasing spent product and residue.

Hope this helps...


10-28-2009, 11:52 PM
Wow! Thanks for the great relies. I've always thought that while some pads work great on one machine it might not work as well on another; like polishes made specifically for the DA. Its good to know that they seem to all work well with each other. If anything I think I'll order a megs W8207, 6.5 LC Flat (White) and 7.5 CCS (white) to find out which one I like best.