View Full Version : Storing waxes in colored vs. clear bottles

10-22-2009, 11:47 AM
Is there a benefit to keeping wax in the colored (non-transparent) bottles they usually come in over using them out of the clear "ketchup" style bottles? (EG:12 oz. Mirror Glaze Dispenser Bottle (http://www.autogeek.net/m9912.html))

I have some products that are in larger sizes (32oz.+) that is just makes easier to use the small bottles. And of course those who use gallon sizes have to transport to a smaller bottle.

Is there any reason once you buy something and get it to your "most of the time dark" garage out of direct sunlight that the product needs to stay in it's non-transparent bottle?

Odd question, I know. But I like working out of the small bottles.


10-22-2009, 11:57 AM
No scientific data, but I have been doing what you are considering for years with no problems that I am aware of.
Most of my bottles are somewhat translucent rather than 100% clear and the Meguiar's bottle you link to appears to be about the same.
I do think it is important that the bottles seal airtight to prevent the product from drying out.
Some of the bottles I purchased at Wal-Mart were a disappointment in that regard. I probably shouldn't have been surprised since they did come from Wal-Mart.
I have gotten good quality bottles from U.S. Plastics on-line and from a beauty supply store locally.

10-22-2009, 12:04 PM
I use the smaller bottles for polishes. The only time not to use the clear bottles is with chemicals(APC's and etc). The clear bottle's tend to be thinner, which allows the chemicals to eat through.