View Full Version : Product Shelf Life/Storage Temperature??

10-09-2009, 10:28 AM
I am starting to get quite a collection of products. In fact I had to recently go to Walmart and buy a 4 tiered storage shelf (24"x40") to put in my washroom just for my AG stuff. I see what Mike means about men collecting wax like women collect shoes ( I recently got the Max Wax BOGO as well as the Souveran VIP). Any way I would like to know if there is a shelf life and best storage temperature of the following:

Max Wax
Pin Souveran paste wax
Wolfgang leather conditioner
Pinnacle leather cleaner
DP waterless auto wash
Pinnacle Paint Cleansing Lotion
Swirl X
Scratch X
Wolfgang HGPS 3.0 sealant
DP Auto bath shampoo
Dp Final Gloss
DP Interior surface protectent
Black Again

I know this is a lot to ask, but I find it to be a better deal to buy in bulk and as such, have done so. You don't need to comment on each item. I don't mind if you summerize or red flag an item that I may need to be concerned about storage life or temperature.

Thank you,


10-09-2009, 11:31 AM
Can't help you on shelf life but I always bring my stuff into the house for the winter since here in Michigan it gets pretty cold and I don't want stuff to freeze.

10-09-2009, 11:33 AM
the winter gets really cold here, and right about this time of year I move everything from the garage to inside the house. I think I have read on here that certain products will break apart... but don't quote me on that.

I also put the products Iuse the most in smaller detail bottles so I can have easier access to them, and fill them up as necessary. This makes it easier for me as my products end up at the back of the closet lol.

detail viking
10-09-2009, 02:34 PM
I keep all of my products inside the house. I also noticed some of my products would start to seperate after a little while. I shake all of my polishes and liquid products every other week or so to keep them from being seperated too long.

10-09-2009, 02:41 PM
keep away from extreme heat and cold changes ...

10-10-2009, 09:21 AM
Use a vacuum sealer to remove the Oh-2. No O2 means no oxidation/hardening of the product.

I have a full-size sealer, but recently purchased this new hand held rechargeable model, as it uses re-useable ziplock bags that have a built in one-way valve. $30+shipping.

The ziplocks are great for products you will be using again soon. I use the "full size" vacuum sealer for items that will not be needed for a long time (like the second container of wax from a BOGO special).

FreshSaver® Handheld system by FoodSaver® (http://www.foodsaver.com/freshsaver/)

Vacuum sealing will absolutely prolong shelf life.