View Full Version : wetsanding headlights

09-17-2009, 12:52 PM
I bought sandpaper to do this, but my question is is it better to use a buffer or a rubber sanding block to wetsand headlights? Also, is 2000 grit good enough to end sanding then follow it up with compounding?

09-17-2009, 02:08 PM
We would need a bit more info, what is your planned process to use? How bad our the lights, and have you considered just using a Headlight repair kit?

09-17-2009, 02:41 PM
I have tried the kits before, but nothing came from them. I have no pics because my car is in the shop at the moment because I was side swiped...

The headlights are scuffed on the sides. Basically it requires wetsanding. I plan on doing the method posted by someone on here where they use a helmans sealer and mineral spirits as a clear coat. Ill be starting with 400, 800, 1000, 1500, theb 2000. Ill then compound it.

Mike Phillips
09-17-2009, 06:40 PM
I have tried the kits before, but nothing came from them. I have no pics because my car is in the shop at the moment because I was side swiped...

The headlights are scuffed on the sides. Basically it requires wet-sanding. I plan on doing the method posted by someone on here where they use a helmans sealer and mineral spirits as a clear coat. Ill be starting with 400, 800, 1000, 1500, theb 2000. Ill then compound it.

Should be okay with this plan of attack, any coating on the headlights will be completely removed, some headlights have coatings, other's don't, it will like like a rash on the lens that you're sanding off if it has a coating.

As for compounding your scratches out? Are you using a rotary buffer? If so, remember to tape off the surrounding paint and any chrome or rubber or plastic trim to keep it from getting splatter on it and to keep from buffing on it.

Don't hold the buffing pad in one place for too long as you can quickly melt the plastic.

If you're not using a rotary, what are you using?


09-17-2009, 06:44 PM
I have a PC7424. I have Pinnacle XMT #4 for the compound as well as a wool pad, orange pads, white pads, XMT #3, #2, and #1. I also plan on taking the headlights out of the car. It takes litterally 30 seconds to take both out in my car.

But again, should I stick with using a rubber sanding block?