View Full Version : Touch-ups

03-30-2006, 09:01 AM
Since the recent poll is on touch ups as part of scariest things of detailing. Id like some input from you pro's on how to go about it..........I have a black xterra and the bugs ate through some paint on the hood..........Not noticable from afar but when detailing its very obvious........How do you go about filling in this crevices and scratches?

I have white residue inside the spots that I cant get rid of.......so it looks like snow flakes......keep in mind im a newbie and havent been passed polishing withj liquid glass and wheel detail with DP.

The truck looks great............better than great with those two products but I have room for improvement. Any help would be appreciated.

03-30-2006, 06:05 PM
pay the pro's .... seriously, find a good body shop. Touchup has always looked like touchup to me.

if you want to try it yourself, look to the Langka kit about the best you can get for self repair. http://www.autogeek.net/langka.html

03-31-2006, 01:28 PM
Great advice and I will go to a pro. Thanks again.