View Full Version : chrome wheel care?

09-13-2009, 02:59 PM
i have gotten new chrome wheels on my truck, and for winter i cannot take them off. so i was wondering what i can use to protect them from the salt/winter? Any like sealants or anything?

Thanks for the help!


09-13-2009, 03:18 PM
I would first clean them thoroughly than simply apply a good coat of wax.
Than to maintain them keep them cleaned as often as needed and every couple months re-apply the wax to keep the protection up.
In fact, with your regular cleanings of the wheels an application of a good spray wax as a "booster" would be good.

09-13-2009, 06:03 PM
First clean them good then get some wheel wax. I wax my wheel's once a month.

09-13-2009, 06:04 PM
I use PB Wheel Sealant and LOVE it. I've got aluminum alloy wheels, but the jar says it's okay for chrome. I started using it because of my excessive brake dust. I cleaned them really well with PB Spray & Rinse Wheel Cleaner. I recommend diluting that a little - it's really strong. After that, I applied two coats of the sealant. That was almost two months ago, and I still just use my soap and water to clean them. As I said, I've got different material and live in Alabama - no winter/salt concern. Somebody else will probably have better experience, but I've really had good luck with the PB wheel products.

09-13-2009, 06:31 PM
is there a difference between a wheel wax and a wheel sealant?

09-14-2009, 06:38 PM
1. Wash with Griots Wheel Cleaner (Chrome Wheel Cleaner)
2. Dry as normal
3. Polish with chrome polish as desired/needed
4. Coat with DP or PB Wheel Sealant

you should only need soap/water for next several weeks, then do it again.