View Full Version : In Memoriam 9/11/01

09-11-2009, 07:32 AM
Eight years ago, atrocities of untold horror struck these United States. During the day of September 11, 2001, the mortality of those in the World Trade Center put on display before the eyes of those who would take it; without discrimination. Mothers, Daughters, Sons, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Brothers, Sisters, Nieces, and Nephews of all ages were taken from this world before their time. Adults and Children were called to make the great sacrifice of fate for our nation, these United States of America. On this day, heroes of untold number rose and fell. We, the citizens of this great nation owe these fallen our respect and dignity due of any soldiers of war, our protectors in the foreign nations of the world existing to bring about peace.

For the sake of the fallen, the heroes born, the heroes lost, the few honored survivors; be it you call him God, Jehovah, Allah, or follow a religion unknown to myself in this world. Our collective belief in that we are at the whims of fate of a God, System, or Rules of the Universe,

Please take a moment of silence and remember, 9/11/2001.

Thank You,
Ryan E Martinage.