View Full Version : Wash questions?

Excessive Detail
09-21-2006, 06:44 PM
What is the proper way to use a grit guard. I have six galln bucket the I fill and put the grit guard in and of course a seperate buckect for soap and water. After cleanin a panel I dip my mitt in the inse bucket and give it a few shakes. Then dip in the soap bucket and wash another panel. I notice that my rinse bucket starts getting really soapy from the mitt after each dip, is this normal and would it affect the cleaning abilit of the water, basically am I getting enough of the dirt out my mitt to prevent swirls. Also what is the safest wash mit to use, something sure to prevent swirls even if I can't get all the dirt out each rinse time, I've been using a sheepskin, I also have a mf bone, but honestly I sometimes hesitate to use. I have also heard that not getting outall the soap after washing cuases the fibers to harden, which would lead me to believe that it coud swirls paint. I know some of you might notice that I've been asking a lot of questions about swirls, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong, ecspecially when I'm detailing other peoples cars, I guess you can say I'm a little paranoid sometimes and often question my techniques, and I know you guyz are basically pros so anything you say I'm gonna listwen too. Thanks

09-21-2006, 08:20 PM
Damn good questions! I'm all ears.

09-21-2006, 08:28 PM
Take your sheepskin mitt rinse in the bucket grab it by one hand squeeze out the water with the other then place the mitt back in your soap bucket.
If you use FG then use only one bucket to rinse the mitt and rinse as i mentioned above..

09-21-2006, 08:37 PM
2 grit guards 2 rinse buckets - one for each side of car...no soap bucket since I use a foam gun.
Pre-rinse car off...then spray foam all over car
Respray one panel, spray foam onto chenille wash sponge, wash panel
Shake sponge off in rinse bucket, squeeze, rinse again, repeat above step

2 rinse buckets allows me to move quickly around the car. It also ensures that the rinse bucket doesn't get excessively dirty. After I'm done washing, I spray rinse the sponge, squeeze repeatedly to get the soap out, rinse until water is clear.

I also get some foam in the rinse bucket...it's unavoidable. No worries though.

I do wonder about the "hardness" of the chenille over time. I'm keeping an eye on that. I bought a ton of them at $3 when Big Lot's had their clearance sale. I am looking into the mf bone sponge here on AG though. It looks like it's machine washeable too.