View Full Version : Have to vent.....:(

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Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 07:59 PM
Someone backed into my TSX last week. So we took it to the body shop to get fixed. Oh....the shop completly screwed up my finish. The paint is REALLY REALLY swirly. :rant:It is as if they buffed the bumper that they were repairing and then tried to wipe off the dust with a dry rag. The clear 3m bra portions that are left on the car are scratched. The grill is scratched. The interior has grease and dust all over it. I was so I upset that I didn't even drive the car home. I drove the rental Ford Focus. I'm so upset I don't even want to look at the TSX. That can't be my ride all swirly, greasy, and really dusty inside.

Any suggestions as to what I could use to get the scratches out of the grill?

Mike Phillips
08-31-2009, 08:08 PM
First they should be held accountable and liable for their shoddy work. Do you have any kind of satisfaction guarantee on paper?

Second, and this is the problem, if they couldn't do a good job the first time, especially with any buffing work, then they won't be able to do it right the second time. The have someone that either doesn't know how to correctly work on paint or they don't supply him with quality products, either way letting them work on it again likely just means more good paint buffed off and extra glaze smeared on it to mask it so you'll accept the car.

As for scratches, the way you remove scratches is you remove material around the scratch till you level the surface. Of course the problem with this is some materials and coatings don't lend themselves well to being abraded with the end result looking good and/or looking original.

Can you post a picture?

What you need is a PRO detailer to fix everything and then let the shoddy shop pay for it.

Don't let them buff the car again.


08-31-2009, 08:08 PM
Sorry to hear about that. Take it back and have them detail the inside. :bat: Wouldn't want to let them touch the outside again. Is it possible to have them pay for an outside detail at another vendor??

Or maybe it is time to order a few new things at AG. :idea:

08-31-2009, 08:33 PM
Sorry to hear your bad luck man. It's really hard to find a good shop these days. Like Mike said if they can't fix it right the first time they probly can't do right the second time. Call your insurance agent and let them know what happend, assuming this is an insurance job. This is what you have an agent for.

08-31-2009, 08:35 PM
That is sad. I agree with Mike about being afraid to let them try to fix it though. I would seek remedial action with the courts if the owner doe's not help you get it fixed. See if he will pay to have it professionally detailed and corrected.

Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 08:39 PM
The shop only buffed the bumper. Best as I can tell they whipped the dust from buffing the bumper off the body using a dry rag (who knows what kind of material it was made from). It is really swirled up though. I could see the swirls before I even got out of the rental to look at the TSX.

I have a Flex but I have only ever used it once "for practice" my husband's Frontier. I don't have pictures I don't even want to see the car now.

Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 08:43 PM
Yeah...there is no way I'm asking them to correct the issues.

Mike Phillips
08-31-2009, 08:43 PM
I have a Flex but I have only ever used it once "for practice" my husband's Frontier. I don't have pictures I don't even want to see the car now.

Fear not, we will help you fix the problem. You'll have step up to the plate though as you're going to have to wash the car and get the front bumper clean. Then it's just a matter of working a small section at at time and carefully massaging the scratches out.

You can do it!

What do you have for chemicals and pads?


Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 08:57 PM
I bought the Wolfgang swirl remover package when I purchased the Flex. I have the follow pads: white, orange, red, blue, and black.

I have Zaino Z5, Z2, and Fusion.

I don't believe I will have time to buff the car. The semester just started for my Anatomy and Physiology class. Being that I'm a newbie at buffing it takes me a long time.

Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 09:06 PM
Here are some pictures of the Frontier after the buffing.

08-31-2009, 09:10 PM
U kin do it! With Mike's help you will be fine.

Mike Phillips
08-31-2009, 09:21 PM
I don't believe I will have time to buff the car. The semester just started for my Anatomy and Physiology class. Being that I'm a newbie at buffing it takes me a long time.

How about just the front bumper? You could knock it out on a Saturday, start after breakfast and you'll be done by lunch.

That or mayb we have some talented forum member with a great reputation that could go above and beyond the call of duty and give you a hand.

"Each one teach one"

I'd help you in a heartbeat but I'm a little far away...

Basically wash and dry the car and take the Wolfgang swirl removers and test the finishing glaze with your white pad. Just do a small test area about a foot squared, buff the section for about a minute and then wipe the residue and see if that combination of products was effective enough to remove the swirls and scratches, if not then try again with the Total Swirl Remover either with the orange cutting pad and then follow this with the white polishing pad with the Finishing Glaze, after that it will be ready for either Fusion or a chemical wipe-down and then the Zaino.

Doing just the front bumper area won't be too bad and then you won't have any stress to interfere with your studies.


Pitch Black
08-31-2009, 09:33 PM
Thank you for being so nice.

The entire body is swirled, badly. Shouldn't I wait until the paint on the bumper from the repair cures before buffing? The 3m bra is swirled to. Any suggestions as to how to fix it?

Mike Phillips
08-31-2009, 09:41 PM
Thank you for being so nice.

The entire body is swirled, badly. Shouldn't I wait until the paint on the bumper from the repair cures before buffing? The 3m bra is swirled to. Any suggestions as to how to fix it?

If the entire car is swirled out and this was caused by the shop then

A. It's going to be a lot of work to remove the swirls.

B. The shop needs to pay for a Professional to do the repair.

So this circles back around to did you get any kind of satisfaction guarantee with the repair?

As for the fresh paint, you can buff fresh paint easily within a day or two, heck even the body shop is doing this so it's a normal practice.

As for the clear bra, some people have had good luck buffing swirls out of clear bras but again, if the body shop caused the damage then they should pay to have it replaced.


08-31-2009, 09:45 PM
Just wanted to say maybe you could find some local AG's and they could help you out by meeting up and showing you the way or helping you out. But sounds like the shop should compensate for your trouble or pay for a 3ed party detailer. To be honest when I first started to detail I was afraid but it is not as bad as you think and pretty easy!