View Full Version : How to clean MF's??

09-18-2006, 08:17 PM
Hey guys I was wondering how I can really clean MF's??? I currently clean them by hand in warm water one at a time. Can I clean them in the washer and dryer? What kind of liquids like any cleaning stuff I can use on MF's??? How do I dry them after putting them in the washer??

09-18-2006, 08:35 PM
Lots of recent posts...

see if this URL works...


09-19-2006, 05:53 PM
I use Charlie's soap in the washer, and hang dry them. Works for meIm the MAN

09-19-2006, 06:16 PM
1. Keep the clean seperated in a closed cabinet (no dust)

2. After use, keep them segregated in seperate bucket with other micros only, youd be surprised at just what they'll lift when wet.

**Usually around 15 towels to wash weekly. Two cars ... two washing/detailing micro's, one drying towel, one qd'er and one glass. Vette washed twice weekly, SRX once. When full detail needed, more than double quantity due to polishes and waxes always start fresh on each side and tops.

3. Kiss wife for doing all laundry (she takes over here)

4. Places only micro's in wash. Warm water, Microrestore cleaner, and double rinse (no fabric softner) -- I dont add vinegar any longer as use commercial micro cleaners Microrestore and Pinnacle Rejuvinator only.

5. Immediately placed into dryer, air tumble, with dryer balls.

6. Fold in laundry room, do not allow to sit on carpet or cloth furniture in piles till folded. Immediate attention is required once weekly.

7. Kiss wife .... thank her for falling into my crazy detailing regimines

09-19-2006, 06:29 PM
Hey guys I was wondering how I can really clean MF's??? I currently clean them by hand in warm water one at a time. Can I clean them in the washer and dryer? What kind of liquids like any cleaning stuff I can use on MF's??? How do I dry them after putting them in the washer??
Actually how many do have ;) Thats the question :p

1) Liquid Tide, All TempaCheer (sp), APC 1-2 OZ's
Nothing with softners or bleach.no dryer sheets before you put the towels in the dryer go through it to make sure no dryer sheets are left over from the previous load,also low heat would be better if they get hot they may melt or definitly have static electricity.

2) sometimes after the wash is complete the towels are only semi damp i'll hang them in the basement by the next day their dry.

3) Once in a while i'll treat my towels with a MF Rejuvenator I'm a firm beleiver in MF rejuvenator as it does exactly what the manufactors claim,btw i just picked a gallon from AG to give my babies a treat :D

BTW, No Body washes my Towels but me. I never did a load of laundry in my life until i purchased those Towels.I think someone thought they where doing me favor and tossed 4 dryeer sheets in the dryer with nearly 15-20 QD MF's the ones identical to the Cobra Deluxe ,I must of bawled for 24 hrs straight

09-20-2006, 09:57 AM
Joe, you said, give my babies a treat! Hee Hee. :applause: I'm the same way!

09-20-2006, 10:17 AM
:cheers: Sparkie

09-20-2006, 11:05 AM
What does everyone think about Woolite?

09-20-2006, 11:30 AM
What does everyone think about Woolite?
I never used woolite wlth my Towels but others have mentiomed using it with good results..

09-20-2006, 07:50 PM
What does everyone think about Woolite?

works well enough at cleaning a headliner and interiors !! :awesome:

09-20-2006, 08:04 PM
I use woolite with no problems. I wash the towels a second time with no soap to make sure all the soap is rinsed out then hang dry and but them back in those plastic storage bins with the locking handles.

09-20-2006, 09:45 PM
So seems that everyone is using warm water to wash and cold to rinse, huh?

09-21-2006, 10:56 AM
I bought some Woolite and since my MFs aren't really _that_ dirty, I think I should be OK. I'm going to wash on warm, then rinse on cold.