View Full Version : How do you get polish residue out of plastic

09-18-2006, 01:02 PM
I had a little failure of my painters tape a while back. It was covering some of t his textured black plastic you find on so many of the vehicles today. I have tried several things to remove the residue, the whitish discoloration, from the plastic, but it continues to show up after every few washes. I was able to make a dramatic reduction in the residue using a heavily concentrated mix of rubbing alcohol, but it still shows pretty well on that plastic. Any help is greatly appreciated.


09-18-2006, 03:39 PM
Thanks for asking this question because I was just getting ready to ask it myself.


09-18-2006, 03:57 PM
From what I've read, Pinnacle CM Spray Wax. It's on the product description page.

Detailing Tips:
Mist dry foam pads with Crystal Mist Spray Wax before applying polish or paste wax by machine. The lubricating oils will allow products to spread more easily. Crystal Mist Spray Wax also helps remove stubborn wax residues.

If you are applying a wax or sealant and you find white chalk residue on trim or emblems, use Crystal Mist Spray Wax and a soft cloth to clean up.

Also I've heard that Wax Blaster does it too. I've not tried either personally though.

09-18-2006, 04:19 PM
peanut butter, baby oil ... sometimes Wd-40

09-20-2006, 04:19 PM
peanut butter, baby oil ... sometimes Wd-40

Okay, the PB worked, but now I am told it is only the oil in PB that allow the stain to disappear just like hitting it with black again or similar. Basically, it sounds like the residue is going to show again a few washes down the road.


09-20-2006, 09:37 PM
i pressured washed mine away haha

09-20-2006, 11:35 PM
Any rubber/vinyl cleaner and a toothbrush will get rid of it. When you are dealing with a pourous surface you need to use something that gets into the texture better than just wiping. Soap and water will do the trick if you use a toothbrush. I use Meguiar's #39 on tough areas like that. Either that or Poorboy's Bold N Bright. Whatever works. The toothbrush is the key though.

09-21-2006, 07:16 AM
I use peanut oil and haven't had a problem with it coming back.

09-21-2006, 07:17 AM
I find that a good citrus cleaner or 3M wax and adhesive remover work great to remove any wax staining....wax blaster is very good also...Meg's #39 works also...

with these products just apply them let them dwell a bit and then agaitate witha fingernail cleaning brush...it is a little more stiffer than a toothbrush..

But to help not getting stains...treat your rubber and plastic first with something like PB's Trim Restorer...it has some silicone in it that will make clean up easy ...if u get wax of polish on rubber or trim..wipe off right away..do not let it set up...

some have had good luck using the Magic Eraser to remove staining also..but you need to be careful on trim in case it is painted trim..


09-21-2006, 07:20 AM
The product Wax Blaster did not work for me, but the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser seemed to do the trick. As always test on a inconspicuous area first.


09-21-2006, 11:57 PM
Just detailed my Jeep on Tuesday and I also had a "painters tape Malfunction". I haven't had the time now to do anything with it since I am working massive overtime this week, but I was wondering if anyone has tried the XMT pad cleaner. It seems that since it does such a good job on the foam pads maybe it will do just as well on the black trim. Or would this be too harsh to use?