View Full Version : Tricks from the masters

08-13-2009, 07:59 PM
Hi my name is Stu and I have been a member of the forum for only a short period of time but I sense that there is a tremendous wealth of knowledge out there. Not the knowledge acquired from books or schools but the knowledge gleamed from countless years of experience in the detailing profession. If necessity was the mother of invention than I say innovation was the father. Its this flash of innovation that we all have experienced one time or another that I am getting at. The bright light that goes off in our heads when we give birth to an idea for a new tool, technique or material to do a specific job. It is these innovative ideas these tricks of the trade that make what we do better. Like the member who posted how he made an interior blower/dryer for $30.00 by going to a heating co. and salvaging a fan from a heating system that was replaced. Or the member whom uses a deck of playing cards to get into the crevices or Dwayne who uses an old credit card to shave off just the right amount of wax from the tub.
It is these tricks of the masters that I would like to see a forum category dedicated to. Please share with all of us your innovative spirit by posting you bright ideas to this thread. Who knows maybe AG will eventually sponsor a contest for innovation of the year.

Thanks for your consideration and contributions to this thread.
