View Full Version : Are All Microfiber Towels the same???

08-11-2009, 07:57 PM
i happened to see lowes offering a 3 pack of microfiber cleaning towels for cheap... are they the same as say an "auto detailing microfiber towel" made by meg's or whoever....? i have been using them for cleaning my chrome rims with meg's chrome rim cleaner and it has worked awesome.. and to wipedown the interior.... but idk if i should use it elsewhere??

and also whta amkes a microfiber drying towel a good one?? what are some good ones? i have been using a chamois (the absorber) and i have just read that it can damage the wax and/or paint..... :buffing: so ..... ???

08-11-2009, 08:04 PM
My Costco "auto detailing microfiber towels" ended up shedding little fibers all throughout my QD job. Of course I wasn't able to see this until it was too late.

The old adage 'you get what you pay for' has held true for me with regard to MF purchases.
No more el cheapo MFs here.

08-11-2009, 08:38 PM
You said you believe they were made by megs. Are they yellow? and 16x24? If so those are the supreme shine towels and are actually quality towels. They are used for polish and wax removal.

08-11-2009, 09:08 PM
no, you misread... i'm not implying that i thought meg's made the MF... i was just curious if the product is named "microfiber" that it has to be the same cloth structure...?

or are car MF specific to cars..?

08-11-2009, 09:12 PM
There are good and bad MF towels. There are all different styles also. So, no there is no set structure in the term microfiber.

08-11-2009, 10:19 PM
There are many grades in MF. The blend will determine absorbency. Where the product is made will determine grade of the fiber (China or Korea). Thread count will determine plushness and effectiveness (to some degree).
There are many articles on MF if do perform a search.

08-11-2009, 10:59 PM
so i see here meguiars offers a chamois MF and a normal MF drying towel...

any of you use these or can suggest good MF towels?

08-12-2009, 07:52 PM

theres the link of the product... not much of a description... but its only $5 for a 3 pack.....

08-12-2009, 07:55 PM
and i also stumbled upon this...


found on other sites they say it has 90,000 fibers per square inch... i know the finer ones on this site have 200,000 per square inch??

like i said i have around 3 or 4 of them i have been using a little bit... havnt had problems with them so far but i might not know any better

so.. are they detail worthy or nah as far as just hand detailing applications

08-13-2009, 11:06 AM
I would be careful about reading too much into the specs sellers post regarding threads counts, absorption, etc. The better measure seems to be weight.

It is best to see and use a sample to make the decision. Cheaper microfiber tends to be a commodity and some bulk sellers will buy container loads and then order again a few months later but what they get the next time may not be the same as the first lot.

Cost is a partial indicator of quality. Good microfiber (cost goes up with fabric density) but it does not guarantee it since you can sell cheap microfiber at higher prices.

The question is what is good enough. The best way is usually to buy it from a trusted source (like AG) since if there is an issue you have someone to address it with. Otherwise, it is more pot luck.

08-13-2009, 04:34 PM
(Please remember no links to competitors products)

I have found at OTC only two MF towels that I trust, one is the Viking Brand the other are new MF towels from the ICE line. In general most OTC MF dont seem anywhere near as thick and soft as the Cobra Towels sold at AG.

08-14-2009, 02:34 PM
oh sorry..... totally forgot about that

09-05-2009, 04:21 PM
I had researched this question years ago and found this article from autogeek:

Cobra and Pennacle are really good from this article

I will try a cut and paste, if this doesn't work I wil try attaching. Hope it's ok to do this. Just trying to help:


Learn About Microfiber

The Inside Track on the revolutionary
fabric that is changing the very concept
of “clean”.

Microfiber is causing a stir in the cleaning
industry. It is quickly becoming the cleaning
and polishing fabric of choice in all facets of
auto detailing, but this versatile and highly absorbent material is also replacing
traditional cleaning methods in hospitals and universities around the world!
A unique combination of two basic fibers: Polyester and Polyamide (a nylon
by-product) are the backbone of microfiber. These are densely constructed
fibers 1/16th the size of a human hair. This network of fibers is then woven
and manufactured in distinct ways, producing different varieties for a myriad of

Get the scoop on the “LOOP”

Some Microfiber is processed into a “flat”

weave. This weave actually repels water and is
used in the textile industry to manufacture water
resistant items, such as clothing and
watchbands. This variety of Microfiber is not of
a quality beneficial to cleaning or polishing
In order to be
effective for
cleaning and
polishing usage, the Microfiber must be “split”

during processing. This is a costly method of
actually splitting the polyester (the scrubbing
fiber) from the polymide (the absorbing and
quick drying fiber). Remember, if this costly

Learn About Microfiber from the microfiber experts at Cobra! Microfiber towels & tools are the future of car care detailing! (http://www.autogeek.net/leabmi.html) 12/26/2005

method of “splitting”the fibers is eliminated the
resulting product loses over half of its absorbing and cleaning ability!
Once the Microfiber is split the fibers are woven into a fabric, often consisting
of 70% to 80% polyester and 20% to 30% polyamide, depending on the
desired style of fabric construction. The polyester and polymide are combined
during weaving to create thousands of microscopic “Loops”.
These “loops”form a web of hook-like claws that can reach into the tiniest
nooks and crannies, scrubbing away dirt and grime while trapping it within the
weave. This amazing “loop”is what makes Microfiber the ideal choice for
gently buffing dirt particles off delicate glass and paint surfaces, without fear
of abrasion.

What is Denier?

Denier is the unit used for measuring the fineness of fabric. Microfiber is
incredibly fine with a denier of approximately 0.01 to 0.02. Compare that
against the denier of a single strand of silk at 8, or a human hair at 20! Now
imagine buffing your treasured car with a fabric that is softer than the finest

How durable is microfiber?

While it is true that microfiber is among the softest materials ever created by
man, it is also incredibly strong. That's because “split”microfibers contain
thousands of “loops”per square inch, and high quality microfiber cloths have
upwards of 200,000 strands of fiber per square inch of material. This high
density of fibers results in a fabric that is durable enough to withstand over
500 washings! Making microfiber extremely cost effective, since it is highly reusable.

Hypoallergenic and Safe for the Environment!

Microfiber actually traps dust and dirt, and can be used with or without
chemicals. That is because the filaments are positively charged, while dust
and dirt carry a negative charge. A quality microfiber will quite literally pick up
all foreign materials! That is great news for allergy sufferers! Used dry, the
fibers act like a dust magnet. Used wet, with simply water or a tiny amount of
detergent, the fibers become formidable scrubbers, easily tackling the
toughest grime.

Learn About Microfiber from the microfiber experts at Cobra! Microfiber towels & tools are the future of car care detailing! (http://www.autogeek.net/leabmi.html) 12/26/2005

News from the Scientific Community:

Recent scientific research studies have revealed some interesting facts about
Microfiber. One such study conducted by the Environmental Protection
Agency of the United States was recently released. The EPA found
microfibers reduced chemical use and disposal (since they are designed to
clean any surface using just plain water!), are less labor intensive, more cost
efficient, and clean far more effectively than conventional cleaners.
A study conducted by the prestigious Royal Roads University, in Victoria,
British Columbia was impressive. Michael Archibald, Director of the study
concluded, “This system is simple, efficient, and effective, and represents the
next generation in cleaning systems. Lastly, this system is as effective as
cleaning with chemicals.”Strong words from a university that states its goal “is
to become a global leader in environmental sustainability through innovative
strategies, which foster the protection and preservation of the environment.”

There are Differences:

Many of the Microfiber products being offered on the market, especially some
types designated for “automobile use”are made from “non-split”(nonabsorbent
and ineffective) yarn. The manufacturer forgoes the expensive

“splitting”procedure to save money, and the result is a failing product. Not only
does the blend lose over half of its absorbing and cleaning ability but it
weakens with use, greatly reducing the life of the product. Some microfiber
products coming out of China and Korea have less density, and a denier
(length of measure) of 0.5 or higher, which is 50x’s larger than the preferred
quality denier of 0.02 or smaller.

Quality of construction and density of fibers is important:

When looking for a Microfiber cloth or towel bear in mind that less density of
fiber, translate into less cleaning power and far less durability. The less dense
cloths are also more abrasive to delicate surfaces. Look for at least 200,000
fibers per square inch of fabric. At over 200,000 fibers per square inch of
fabric, boasting the maximum density commercially available, you’ll get all the
cleaning power you need with the Pinnacle Miracle Towel; an amazing cleaner
that is lint free and safe to use on all surfaces. An outstanding 70/30-
polyester/polyamide blend makes the Pinnacle Miracle Towel the finest
microfiber towel available! Don’t forget to use the Cobra Glass Cleaning Cloth

Learn About Microfiber from the microfiber experts at Cobra! Microfiber towels & tools are the future of car care detailing! (http://www.autogeek.net/leabmi.html) 12/26/2005

for all your glass cleaning tasks. With over 200,000 strands of fiber per square
inch, and a super absorbant 80/20-polyester/polyamide blend, it remains
unmatched in lint-free, streak-free glass cleaning perfection!
Superior Microfiber cloths and towels rely on this dense weave to achieve
greater cleaning results. Cheaper versions of Microfiber can use a weave that
is too wide or a pile that is too long, which causes the fibers to break off
during use, leaving a lint trail. This is not uncommon practice among
manufacturers looking to make a tidy profit while leaving the consumer with a
shoddy product.
Using only the highest quality of advanced Microfibers available, the Pinnacle
line of microfiber products are utilized by detailing professionals and auto
enthusiasts everywhere! Explore these superior products for yourself and be
amazed by the Pinnacle Miracle Towel; the best microfiber towel on the
market! The Cobra Glass Cleaning Cloth strand by strand it’s the best glass
cleaner in the land! The Cobra Detailing Cloth great for all those quick
detailing jobs, and intensive cleaning! All have a density of over 200,000
strands of the finest microfiber per square inch of fabric!

Wet, Wring, Wipe:

Remember this tip when using your new Pinnacle microfiber cloths or towels
wet! These state of the art fabrics are designed to use as dry as possible,
reducing cleaning times and waste. So go ahead and use your favorite
cleaner if you like (although you’ll get great results with just plain water!) but
remember to use the cleaner of your choice sparingly. For best results on
glass and high shine surfaces, spray the cleaning surface to dampen, then
buff dry with your new Pinnacle microfiber cloth or towel. Watch as streaks,
water spots (even old ones), and swirl residue disappear before your eyes!

A Great Polisher!

When used dry your new Pinnacle
microfiber towel or cloth can’t be beat
for removing dust, dirt particles,
polish, and wax residues. You won’t
believe how well they polish chrome
and gently buff paint to that “see
through”shine! Remember these are

Learn About Microfiber from the microfiber experts at Cobra! Microfiber towels & tools are the future of car care detailing! (http://www.autogeek.net/leabmi.html) 12/26/2005

super chamois!

Not just for cars!

Don’t forget your Motorcycle, Boat, or R.V.! Plus there are thousands of
household uses for these incredible cleaners as well!

Care Tips:

The Pinnacle line of microfiber cloths and towels are designed for ease of use
and durability. These fantastic cloths can be washed and re-used over and
over again… at least 500 times! They are so easy to care for. Simply wash in
warm with hot soapy water or micro-restorer by hand or in the machine. We
strongly recommend you always wash these cloths and towels separately
from your other laundry, as they will attract all the lint in your washer due to
their powerful positive static charge.
Never expose them to fabric softener!!! It can weaken the static charge of the
filaments and reduce their effectiveness.
They can be placed in an electric dryer on low setting, but it is unnecessary.
The Pinnacle microfiber cloths and towels are so incredibly light; they dry in
1/3rd the time of ordinary cloths and can be easily air-dried.

http://www.autogeek.net/leabmi.html 12/26/2005

09-06-2009, 08:38 PM
interesting. thanks for that

09-07-2009, 08:51 AM
interesting. thanks for that

Yer welcome and in addition,

Wait until my post has been "vetted" by the moderators, I am a junior member and a newb. :)

I don't remember where, but I followed up with more research back then and the m/f's AG recommends exceed the specs set out in the article in terms of hi-quality. As did some other high end vendors: Can only remember Cobra, megs, Pinnacle, some others, etc.