View Full Version : Pro Detailers: Donate product for...?

Tex Star Detail
09-15-2006, 05:04 PM
Ok, question for Pro Detailers, or anyone who wants to chime in:p
A few months back, I ran across 1 of many, carwashes for donations. You know, the roadside ones, where they stand out with signs, taking donations to scratch, I mean wash your car..........

This one was for a local High School.....
Well, I stopped in, didn't get my car washed, of course, and asked about their washing supplies.... Where they got them, what they use...etc... I ended up giving them my card and telling them I would donate product for their next wash.

So I get a call today, saking if I could donate stuff for a wash tomorrow.
So I got together 2 gallons of car wash, gallon of wheel cleaner, gallon of tire dressing, buckets, brushes, sponges, and some chamois(sp).
Dropped them off with the lady. Said they are raising money for the American Heart Association.
In return, I asked her to pass out my brochures and cards. Now she wants her truck detailed as well. So I have yet to set a date for that.

Would you donate product for someone to spread the word? Or have you already, with good results or bad?
I figure what the heck, what goes around comes around.....I hope...LOL

09-15-2006, 05:42 PM
Sounds like a good trade, at least you have at least one customer!

09-15-2006, 05:43 PM
....Would you donate product for someone to spread the word? Or have you already, with good results or bad?
I figure what the heck, what goes around comes around.....I hope...LOL
I believe that statement says it all, you do good and good comes back to you!:applause:

09-15-2006, 06:00 PM
I believe one will be rewarded if he/she actally expects nothing in return.

09-15-2006, 06:01 PM
Sounds good, but I would not donate any of my Pinnacle products that's for sure.

Tex Star Detail
09-15-2006, 06:07 PM
Sounds good, but I would not donate any of my Pinnacle products that's for sure.

It was all OTC product I purchased.....I did however donate a gallon of Megs hyper dressing. The rest was OTC....Just something to wash, dry, clean tires, and dress them. Along with spray bottles, hose nozzles, and tires brushes.

09-15-2006, 08:51 PM
I have given and shipped many samples at my own cost and time. Not to toot my own horn, but I believe it gives someone the ability to see what specialty products can do. I dont expect anything in return ... but a thank you.

If you want to see what I did for a couple forum members on the corvetteforum last holiday season, do a search. Giving back makes you feel good, and hopefully provides a little joy to someone that might have gone another route, or worse never even gave it the college try

09-15-2006, 08:54 PM
I believe that statement says it all, you do good and good comes back to you!:applause:


09-15-2006, 09:44 PM
your more than just donating... your giving them better products to clean vehicles effectively so they can raise money for a good cause and somebody can eventually get a healthy body out of it! and maybe youll get some extra work, but if not, your doing a great thing.

09-15-2006, 11:26 PM
your more than just donating... your giving them better products to clean vehicles effectively so they can raise money for a good cause and somebody can eventually get a healthy body out of it! and maybe youll get some extra work, but if not, your doing a great thing.

Well said!

09-16-2006, 01:17 AM
Texas, I think that is a very sound Idea! Matter of fact I'v started detailing and didn't think of that for getting my business (out there) but yes I do believe you did a very smart thing. Good luck!!


09-16-2006, 09:45 AM
Dropped them off with the lady. Said they are raising money for the American Heart Association.
In return, I asked her to pass out my brochures and cards. Now she wants her truck detailed as well. So I have yet to set a date for that.

Maybe I read this wrong... but here is what I got from your story. You offered to donate a bunch of products. When you took them out there you asked the lady to pass out some cards while doing the cars. Seems like a fair enough request. But the GREEDY B**CH said she wouldn't do it unless you detailed her car first for free?

Did I read it wrong? maybe you just meant she wanted her car detailed, I dunno. If you did mean it the way I read it.... that would burn me up man.

Tex Star Detail
09-16-2006, 11:05 AM
No, you read wrong....LOL

She said she wanted her truck detailed before I even dropped off the supplies.
When I dropped off the supplies, I told her I would give her a better price on a detail........as long as she spread the word and passed out my cards......and for me donating product.....
Kind of a win win situation.....

09-16-2006, 06:04 PM
ahhh got ya... my bad. I'm a cup 1/2 empty person I suppose. lol