View Full Version : '00 GMC Yukon

08-10-2009, 07:49 AM

Here's our '00 GMC Yukon SLE 2WD.

Wash - Gold Class
Vacuum interior
Super Degreaser/All Purpose Cleaner - Engine bay
Hot Shine Gel - Tires
All Season Dressing - Wheel Wells
M40 - Engine Bay
Attempted Ultimate Quik Wax but wind was blowing so bad it wasn't working.....
Eagle One Etching Wheel Cleaner on parts in the engine bay.....
Gold Class Trim Detailer for the exterior plastics

I always tell people to be careful when washing their engine bays as electronics and such don't like water. Alternator, computers, fuse panels etc shouldn't have direct pressure and should be covered. If you don't think it should get wet, then don't hose it down. Also a hot hot engine shouldn't be hosed down with cold water, cracked engine blocks are no fun!

Engine bay before:

Not real bad, nothing leaks so it was just dust and dirt and what not:


I pulled the radiator cover off (bottom of pix) and gave it a good bath and dressed it with M40 and gave the radiator a good blasting with the hose and dressed below it. Those clips that hold the cover on can fly, so be careful when you pull that baby off and not lose a clip for 20-30 minutes as you mutter under your breath searching on your hands and knees............:D Funny thing was I did it before and did the same exact thing! I pulled the center part of clip out of all of them and proceeded to pull up the cover and one bounced off of my noggin and it landed in the engine bay....I did find it though as I did again this time!

I did do a final check and got the missing wipe down on the lower left.....

I removed the headlights as they had slight yellowing and hit them with 1000/2000/4000 grit papers, Rotary with M105/PlastX and gently massaged with PlastX by hand, no other pictures really, these come off so easy it's funny! A cautionary note! These plastic headlights don't like heat if your using a Rotary, so be mindful of that, I was very careful and didn't burn them up :D

It was just a quick wash.....no paint correction needed at this time.....

Headlights turned out pretty good. And I know, I didn't block this plate, I was messing around on the back license plate....:D

She has 142,000 miles + on the clock, not looking too bad, has at least another 142,000 miles left in her! I was really hoping it would last the length of the contract!

The plastic on the top of the bumper is horribly faded until I put Gold Class Trim Detailer on it, then it's good as new for a few washings!

This is my only bummer, just happened this past week, need to get 'er fixed soon! It's over half way up the windshield and climbing daily!

I also used the E1 Etching wheel cleaner on the exhaust, cleaned 'er up real quick and in a hurry. Be careful with this stuff kids! Acid based wheel cleaners are to be respected!

Thanks for looking and like I said, it was a quickie! I am working nights and neglected the poor girl for a while.....I felt like a hermit lately and had to go outside and give her a bath.


08-10-2009, 08:22 AM
Hey for nine years old that SUV looks great! If you get a chance to get ahold of some Black Wow, it will turn that bumper new again! Thanks for taking the time to share you detail with us.

08-10-2009, 12:58 PM
Aaron, Yukon looks great. Keep up the good work.

08-10-2009, 02:55 PM
Truck looks awesome. Gotta love that color.