View Full Version : Easy sheeting method

A4 1.8tqm
08-08-2009, 05:52 PM
Just thought I'd share. I cut a few feet off the end off an old hose, attached a male quick connect adapter and that's it. The water flow is smoother than just a hose with the metal end and much smoother than through shutoff valve and female quick connect adapter. No more unscrewing shutoff valves for me :D

BTW, I've mix and matched Home depot and Walmart adapters with no leaks/problems. :cheers:

08-08-2009, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the tip! I was wondering why detail suppliers haven't developed a hose end designed exclusively for sheeting water.

I must admit, after learning to do that (sheeting), there's very little water to wipe away. The Guzzler barely gets damp when drying both cars.

Blackthorn One
08-08-2009, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the tip! I was wondering why detail suppliers haven't developed a hose end designed exclusively for sheeting water.

I must admit, after learning to do that (sheeting), there's very little water to wipe away. The Guzzler barely gets damp when drying both cars.
Griot's Garage sells or sold a car wash nozzle like that. Short rubber hose on a screw on brass fitting. Has a rod and a flat rubber disc on the inside to shut off the flow of water. When you kink the hose end, the water flows out smoothly. I've used it for over ten years now.
Well, looks like Griot's doesn't sell it anymore. I found another online store that does, though.

08-08-2009, 08:53 PM
I used a nozzle like that when washing cars for a dealer in 1968. Some things never go away.

08-08-2009, 10:47 PM
I am new. What is meant by sheeting and why is that a good thing? Thanks for your patience with what must soud to you all like a very obvious thing.

Blackthorn One
08-08-2009, 11:45 PM
I am new. What is meant by sheeting and why is that a good thing? Thanks for your patience with what must soud to you all like a very obvious thing.
Sheeting is when you flow water across the surface of the car in solid sheets, instead of spraying it on the car in tiny droplets with a spray nozzle. By flowing water freely across the car, the water tends to fall off in sheets, so that very little is left on the car after rinsing. It saves a lot of work drying the car. Do an experiment with a hose without a nozzle flowing water freely out of it and across the hood to rinse, and see how the water flows right off. Then use a spray nozzle to rinse the car. You will see that there is a LOT more water left on the car after using the nozzle than after the open hose. After using a spray nozzle, there are water beads left all over the panel. After using free flowing water, there is less than 10% of that on the car.

08-08-2009, 11:52 PM
Thanks so much for explaining sheeting to me. I am definitely going to loose the fancy nozzle when it comes time to rinse my ride tomorrow.

08-09-2009, 01:35 AM
i use a fireman nozzle turned all the way to one side where it has a blooming pattern and it works well to sheet off water and covers more area than the standard hose without any attachments. been doing this for years and it has worked very well for me...

08-09-2009, 07:52 AM
I must admit, after learning to do that (sheeting), there's very little water to wipe away. The Guzzler barely gets damp when drying both cars.

I can't believe the difference it makes...I really enjoy drying the car now, where before it used to take so much longer and was usually so much more of a race against water spots!

08-09-2009, 02:04 PM
AH HA brainstorm. There is an attachment that fits on the end of your hose for filling RV water tanks that is perfect for sheeting. It's very simple. Just a female hose fitting (to attach to the end of your hose) with about a foot of clear tubing. Not very expensive either.

08-09-2009, 02:50 PM
I just cut a couple of old hoses up and I have a shut off valve and quick connect attached and I swap between the different nozzles

A4 1.8tqm
08-09-2009, 05:18 PM
Griot's Garage sells or sold a car wash nozzle like that.
OOH! a real one, I like it :goodpost: Thanks!

There is an attachment that fits on the end of your hose for filling RV water tanks that is perfect for sheeting.

I'm interested in that attachment, took a quick look around google and found a couple, one with ($5.50) and one w/o ($3.50) shutoff valve. I'd rather buy one from AG.... Meghan, dearest, can we have one? :D

08-09-2009, 06:38 PM
I am going to track this one down on the need.

08-13-2009, 07:40 PM
I just got a couple of these in and they are really quality made . I ordered direct from the Manufacturer. LONN Manufacturing nice fast courteous service. They have a lot of cool items there