View Full Version : Need some help

michael k
07-28-2009, 12:34 PM
How do you remove the residue left from polishes from the imperfections in the paint?
I detailed my sisters black '97 Z71 couple days ago.Now the chips on the hood and some deep scratches really stand out like a sore thumb.

I used 50/50 water/alcohol wipe down during to check the progress and was also hoping it would help prevent this from happening when I was done.

Any help is welcome.


07-28-2009, 05:26 PM
I think concealing waxes with fillers would be the best way to make them not so obvious, but if you have a very clean detail job, the defects will show MUCH more clearly than if your car were filthy. It's a trade-off. My car's hood looks like crap due to age and cracking in the paint, but where the paint isn't damaged, it looks really good, so there's not much I can do. This is a good question for people with more experience me thinks and I'm interested as well. I can't afford a new paint job right now, so maybe some info will get my car to look...not-so-old-and-funky. :D

michael k
07-28-2009, 06:17 PM
if you have a very clean detail job, the defects will show MUCH more clearly than if your car were filthy. It's a trade-off. :D
True Dat!
Thanks for the reply AD.
I was hoping the final wash would take care of most of it.I even resorted to Q-tips with 50/50 and QD.