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07-25-2009, 05:55 PM
hopefully this is okay in this section.

i know about blue painters tape but don't want to get to my destination, start peeling it off and for some reason my paint peels.

i'm moving 900 miles away and will be driving my car in my sig.

my question is has anyone ever tried saran wrap for the front bumper? just curious if the scorching heat(driving through nevada, utah, and into colorado from sandiego)will melt the saran wrap to the bumper?

i just hate dealing with the bugs, plus this is a fresh front end with beautiful paint.

or do you think i should be okay with the fresh coat of sealant topped with wax and every other stop maybe a quick wipedown of the bugs with my pinnacle crystal mist?

07-25-2009, 06:03 PM
3m painters tape. just do the front of the car in strips and mask up till just over the headlights.

07-25-2009, 06:53 PM
3m painters tape. just do the front of the car in strips and mask up till just over the headlights.

just scared the blue tape will hurt my paint(try to peel it etc.) or leave sticky residue behind.

07-25-2009, 07:18 PM
Look for a warning on the tape that says to remove it within 24 hours and then it won't stick... Doesn't mean it will work on car paint. I'm not sure I would feel great about putting that on my car either though! Why not wrap front with plastic bags and tie them instead? Just cut holes and tape at headlights maybe (not to paint)...

I see people testing products on here all the time with blue tape on their paint and it seems ok but they aren't neccesarily driving through all that heat. I would think that they are leaving it on for a while though. Maybe somebody can pipe up from experience and tell you what kind of residue they get after leaving it in the sun. I certainly dom't think the paint would peel though. Not if its relatively knew in good condition...

Get some saran wrap and drop it on a paper plate. Put it in the microwave and see if it melts. I don't think it does...

Or how's this? If you must use tape get some of that tape and place a small piece on an unsuspecting area (under) from now until you leave and see if you can pull it off without issue. Also stick some in a microwave till it reaches 130 deg. and see how that sticky stuff is. Maybe don't breath the fumes if you try that one!!

Also the following is a post on my Stoners Tarminator thread (skip to the end)... "My absolute favorite for removing sap. Just build a little microfiber dam around stubborn sap and then soak it with Tarminator. Also had success removing old old scotch tape that nothing else would touch."

I would think scotch tape would be worse than masking...

07-25-2009, 08:00 PM
Why not buy a cheap bra for the trip. Take it off when you get there, and throw it in the garage till needed again.

07-25-2009, 08:13 PM
Good idea-How cheap do they come?

07-25-2009, 08:15 PM
$60 up to a $1000 depending on how cheap or good you want it.

07-25-2009, 08:21 PM
I have 3m'ed my front end including fenders for a trip to key west without any adverse side affects beyond strange looks, since there was 10 of us all taped up.

07-25-2009, 09:15 PM
3m painters tape will not put residue on your front end.

07-25-2009, 09:33 PM
so 3m should be okay? even through the hot weather? we're talking 100+ degrees easily, probaly around 115 degrees through death valley. the front clip was painted maybe 9 months ago since it's an aftermarket front end. just scared it might hurt the paint.

as far as a bra. i'm not sure i would be able to find one for my car since it's an aftermarket front end???? unless they come universal which i doubt.

07-25-2009, 09:36 PM
Sounds like your in good shape with the 3m!

07-25-2009, 09:41 PM
maybeeeee i'll try it on the wifes car first and just let it sit out in the sun for a couple days lol.

07-25-2009, 10:27 PM
maybeeeee i'll try it on the wifes car first and just let it sit out in the sun for a couple days lol.

You will be fine with the painters tape by 3m. I see people down here in FL putting it all over the fronts of their cars when big shows come up. Ill wager it will work well for you :)

07-27-2009, 10:27 AM
Its probably too late, but I would just Put a sheet over the front to protect the paint and then put either some thick paper, plastic - anything to protect it from rock impact.

07-27-2009, 11:27 AM
The 3m is better than your run of the mill painters tape so if you go with that make sure its 3m as they are both blue. Its designed to stick better but come off cleaner. There is also some automotive specific tape out there its green don't know how it compares to 3m