View Full Version : Wheel help please :)

07-24-2009, 11:17 PM
For Wheels: Amazing Roll Off vs P21S Total Auto Wash
Does anybody have experience with these 2 products?
Do you have a better suggestion?
Please take a look at my wheel picture and tell me what you think as well as your suggestions. Ignore the rusty looking spots pn the wheels. That was an illusion caused by the redeye flash on from my camera (i took these at night) The actual issue you will see in the area I circled red. It's like a darkish great
Allthough they don't look it to me I think my wheels are polished alloy wheels... Sky was available in chrome or polished alloy and they certainly don't look chrome...
Btw, can I use metal polish on these?

Should I seal withDP Wheel Glaze (15.99) after I pick a cleaner and get them clean?

Thank you,

07-25-2009, 12:10 AM
ARO is much cheaper and more effective for cleaning wheels. It looks like you just need to polish those problem areas you circled; the DP Wheel Glaze at the end will bring out the maximum shine and protection. If you decide on ARO or P21S TAW, both products leave rust/corrosion inhibitors on the wheels so they will have some protection anyways.

07-25-2009, 01:22 AM
Aro works a little better than TAW. The wheels are clear coated from the factory and will not change since GM did a poor job of polishing them, just like my corvette wheels . You can go over them with some polish like Menzerna or Megs by hand to clean up the clear coat but this is not going to fix those dull areas. Then seal them up with a sealant, whether it be a paint sealant or Poorboys wheel sealant. Poorboys I believe is cheaper and is alot easier to use versus the DP wheel Glaze. I had the DP wheel glaze and threw it away after using the Poorboys wheel sealant.

07-25-2009, 08:39 AM
Appreciate the input! Just what I needed to hear

07-25-2009, 04:19 PM
Clean with P21S or Griots Wheel Cleaner
Polish with a paint polish
Seal with DP or Poorboys Wheel Sealant

07-25-2009, 04:25 PM
Clean with P21S or Griots Wheel Cleaner
Polish with a paint polish
Seal with DP or Poorboys Wheel Sealant

Thank you! Why not amazing roll off for cleaning?

07-25-2009, 05:34 PM
Because killr loves wheel cleaners that focus on safety and he's not wrong on this one. P21S Gel is safe on all wheels and Griot's Wheel Cleaner is factory-approved by BBS. I can't speak for Griot's, but P21S Gel is as effective as it is safe.

I'm a big fan of P21S Gel myself...I have around 3 or 4 liters sitting on my shelf and 2 more liters on the way from Autogeek. But it's unreasonably expensive for regular/frequent use.

07-26-2009, 08:35 AM
Because killr loves wheel cleaners that focus on safety and he's not wrong on this one. P21S Gel is safe on all wheels and Griot's Wheel Cleaner is factory-approved by BBS. I can't speak for Griot's, but P21S Gel is as effective as it is safe.


I love ARO around the house, on wheelwells, and tires specifically too. But I personally find it to strong for wheels and have based this upon markings I have seen while dealing with uncoated wheels. I prefer the extra degree of safety I have seen with Griots (I used for years) and P21S.

07-26-2009, 08:45 AM
Glad I read this. I have been using Meguiars Wheel Brightener. I recently read some disturbing things about the ingredients in that stuff.
Gonna change. It did a great job, but not worth the health risk! Has
anyone used the Poorboys Wheel cleaner? I like a lot of their products
and just wanted a heads up.

07-26-2009, 08:53 AM
Poorboys product is quite aggressive and works as advertised. If you are looking for something safer for you and environment look into the Griots product. It does need light agitation however.

07-26-2009, 09:00 AM
Just read the contents of PB Wheel Cleaner. and it also contains ammonium biflouride. Think I will try the Griots.