View Full Version : Newbie wax question

07-20-2009, 09:08 PM
If you polish and seal your car why wax? Is it purely for looks?

07-20-2009, 09:09 PM
If you polish and seal your car why wax? Is it purely for looks?

Usually yes, we are junkies for that shine. When you can drive by looking at the reflection on the hood of your car, you know its just well awesome!!!

It does add to the length of the sealant as well :)

07-20-2009, 09:12 PM
Would you recomend I wax over my 3 coats of UPGP or put a coat of DWG in there instead?

07-20-2009, 09:14 PM
Would you recomend I wax over my 3 coats of UPGP or put a coat of DWG in there instead?

I would personally put a nice nuba on it.

07-20-2009, 09:36 PM
Would you recomend I wax over my 3 coats of UPGP or put a coat of DWG in there instead?DWG is a glaze and doesn't have much durability. Souveran and P21S 100% will give your red that deep wet look, but they are both beauty waxes and will only last about 3-4 weeks. You seem to have OCD about your ride, like many of us, so waxing every 3 weeks is no big deal. Or you can use UPGP every month or two and takes every bit of 10mins. of your time.

07-21-2009, 09:20 AM
If you polish and seal your car why wax? Is it purely for looks?

That's a good question, as I still do not really understand the topping of a sealant with a carnauba.

If the carnauba look is preferred (and I think I prefer the carnauba look, too), then why not simply stick with the carnauba wax and re-wax when necessary or desired? And is it not possible (though I have no idea if this is the case) that two coats of a carnauba might give the surface greater depth and jetting than the sealant/carnauba treatment?

If durability is the decisive concern, then why not stick with the sealant and re-seal when necessary or desired? It is often suggested that the carnauba prolongs the life of the sealant. I think this is an open question. It could be that the carnauba actually compromises the durability of the sealant--at least that is what the guys at Duragloss told me when I asked them whether I could top DG 105 with a carnauba wax. But even more importantly, once one tops the sealant with the carnauba, then, on the principle that one does not apply a sealant on top of a carnauba, one is committed to using the carnauba from that point on, at least until the protectants have been stripped from the surface. If durability really is the decisive concern, then it seems to me that one needs to use the synthetic sealant exclusively.

I am tentatively suggesting, in other words, that instead of giving one the best of both worlds, the sealant/carnauba combination may in fact give one less than the best of either world.

Yet having offered the above objections and caveats, they are not going to stop me from trying out the Blackfriar Fire & Ice combo in the near future. I need to discover on my own whether the sealant/carnauba combo in fact looks better than carnauba alone. So who knows? Perhaps I'll be changing my mind about all of this in a couple of months. It sure wouldn't be the first time ... and it won't be the last. :D

07-21-2009, 11:02 AM
That's a good question, as I still do not really understand the topping of a sealant with a carnauba.

If the carnauba look is preferred (and I think I prefer the carnauba look, too), then why not simply stick with the carnauba wax and re-wax when necessary or desired? And is it not possible (though I have no idea if this is the case) that two coats of a carnauba might give the surface greater depth and jetting than the sealant/carnauba treatment?

If durability is the decisive concern, then why not stick with the sealant and re-seal when necessary or desired? It is often suggested that the carnauba prolongs the life of the sealant. I think this is an open question. It could be that the carnauba actually compromises the durability of the sealant--at least that is what the guys at Duragloss told me when I asked them whether I could top DG 105 with a carnauba wax. But even more importantly, once one tops the sealant with the carnauba, then, on the principle that one does not apply a sealant on top of a carnauba, one is committed to using the carnauba from that point on, at least until the protectants have been stripped from the surface. If durability really is the decisive concern, then it seems to me that one needs to use the synthetic sealant exclusively.

I am tentatively suggesting, in other words, that instead of giving one the best of both worlds, the sealant/carnauba combination may in fact give one less than the best of either world.

Yet having offered the above objections and caveats, they are not going to stop me from trying out the Blackfriar Fire & Ice combo in the near future. I need to discover on my own whether the sealant/carnauba combo in fact looks better than carnauba alone. So who knows? Perhaps I'll be changing my mind about all of this in a couple of months. It sure wouldn't be the first time ... and it won't be the last. :D

I like the Wet-Ice alone Al. If feel using the nuba over the top lessens the slickness a little, which is one of the things I like most about it. I'm with you in thinking you should use either or though. I like the look of a nuba but also love the ease of use and slickness of the sealants....durability means nothing to me. I guess I need to bust out my test panel again. :cheers:

07-21-2009, 02:41 PM
Why do people make the same threads on multiple forums? It makes my effort to type that one post seem less worthwhile if there are so many people from so many different forums answering the same question from the same guy.

07-21-2009, 03:25 PM
My apologies if I offended you. I am trying to get as much information and as many opinions as possible since I am new. I hadn't gotten a feel for where I would get the most advice so I was covering my bases. Is it the same people on both forums? Anyway I haven't been doing that the last couple days and have gotten a feel for where I like to ask my questions.

I can promise you that any info or opinion you offered was valuable regardless of how many other opinions were given or where they were given. In fact if only one person was to offer their opinion then I wouldn't become as educated on the subject.

07-21-2009, 03:34 PM
It kind of depends on your products too. I spoke with Jerry in the Duragloss lab and he suggests NOT topping their 501 or 105 sealants/poishes with carnuba. He said that the base oils in many of the carnubas can actually compromise the polys in his product and detract from it's longevity. If you are topping his sealants with anything, he suggests using their AW as it is made from the same poly bases.

For those who disagree... he said to test it yourself. Put on your 501 or 105 and top one side of your hood with a carnuba and leave the other side alone. He promises the side without the carnuba will last longer.

Again, Jerry works in the Duragloss lab and says you wont' get any closer to knowing the products reactions than he does.