View Full Version : Polish disappearing??

07-01-2009, 03:25 PM
im doing my fender right now using OP on an orange 4" pad.. then i started using OC on the same pad.. and for some reason when i lay the polish out on speed one and spread it out.. then start going over it on speed 6 the polish disappears as i go over it!! i tried putting more polish on my pad but same thing.. ###?? happening for both OC and OP.. the pad has been misted so i dont know what is going on..

07-01-2009, 03:36 PM
Are you doing the whole fender or a section? The area might be too large. Try a 12X12 section. The 4" pad will not cover a large area like a 5 or 6" pad would.

07-01-2009, 03:57 PM
a small section.. i dont know whats going on man after 1 pass the polish is almost all gone

07-01-2009, 04:25 PM
man i have no idea why this is happening im stumped.. i tried again with a new pad.. i misted it 3 times.. put quite a bit of polish on.. worked on a very small area that i tapped off.. spread the OP with orange 4" pad on speed 1.. started working it in on speed 6 with one pass.. took a look at it and some polish was left but most was gone... never had this happen on the hood.. but on the hood i used bigger pads.. could it be that im using too fast of a speed (6) for the 4" pad and its generating too much heat that i guess is disipating the polish?.. should I be using a slower speed?

07-01-2009, 04:59 PM
The polish is simply breaking down and doing so quickly because of the the speed most likely. I suggest you set the speed on 3 to spread the polish evenly accross the pannel. Then move to 5 and work the polish until it breaks down completely. You should only have to remove a very thin difficult to see layer of polish with a MF after you break down the polish.

07-01-2009, 05:16 PM
ya i think i figured it out.. i was going at the same speed i would go with 6.5 inch pads which was snail slow.. and i used speed 5 instead of 6 and it seems to be working.. im going at about double the speed as I would with a larger pad because the small pads seem to generate a tremendous amount of heat.. the fender is hot too touch after its done lol

07-01-2009, 05:23 PM
Actually the speeds I suggested are based on a 6.5 pad but you should still be ok. Try making your passes slowly and allow the polish to work applying some pressure.

07-01-2009, 06:21 PM
i cant go slowly as i would with a 6.5 inch pad or else the polish will disappear.. but i guess if i want to go as slow as the 6.5 inch pad id have to use speed 4.. but so far with speed 5 and going double the speed as the 6.5 inch pad seems to be working.. but its still relatively slow as with the big pads i cover about an inch or 2 in a second