View Full Version : Polished my tips

09-09-2006, 11:46 AM
Sounds kind of nasty. Maybe it’s just me being a dirty old man.

Anyway, the exhaust tips had a lot of grit, tar, grime, and even some paint spots. I tried several ways to clean them. I tried some paint thinner and Bug and Tar remover. The paint thinner did little. The bug and tar remover with some elbow grease helped a lot, but not enough. So I had an epiphany from cleaning pots and pans. I mixed up a slurry of Bar Keeper’s Friend and water. I used an old tooth brush and scrubbed away. Then, I rubbed on Mother’s Mag & Aluminum polish.

Is there a better polish to use for these tips? I think they are steel, not aluminum but I’m not sure. I’m not looking to make them bright, just clean and provide protection for easier cleaning.

09-09-2006, 03:03 PM
I use Simichrome .... and you are more than able to come polish my tips when your done with yours.


09-09-2006, 06:24 PM
Thanks Killr, I just bought a tube on ebay.

09-09-2006, 10:19 PM
The Meguiars NXT All Metal Polysh works very well if you have not tried it yet.

09-10-2006, 11:59 AM
Everytime I polish the tips, I get slapped