View Full Version : Newbee help needed

06-26-2009, 12:42 PM
Hi, being new to detailing I have a few questions; I have a 2001 Silverado Z71 that I have only waxed by hand once and thought that my arms were going to fall off. I have just received my PC7424xp and I will be ordering Pinnacle Swirl Remover and Finishing Polish next week. Being that I am on somewhat of a budget what do you recommend for a wash?
Would you still clay before using the swirl remover? Can I use the finishing polish on my fiberglass cap? I am planning on applying the swirl remover with a CCS Orange light cutting foam pad and removing it with a CCS white polishing foam pad. I am planning on putting the finishing polish on with a CCS Grey Finishing foam Pad and removing it with a CCS Red pad covered by a cobra white microfiber bonnet. Any feedback that you could give would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance……….hbgfish

A4 1.8tqm
06-26-2009, 12:53 PM
Megs gold class isn't a bad car wash and its available locally. Definitely clay first, as far as the polishing process you don't need to remove the polish with a new pad on your machine. Work in small 2'x2' areas work the polish until it begins to dry or "flashes" then remove with a clean MF to check your work.