View Full Version : Will these marks buff out?

06-24-2009, 01:16 PM
I'm brand new to this forum, and pretty inexperienced in the detailing world. So, if I use some incorrect lingo or whatever; take it easy on me :D.

I spent most of last weekend polishing my 2005 CTS-V with a Griots polisher, and Zaino polishes. I'm pretty sure I need some better products to achieve the results I want, but this is what I'm currently struggling with...

The pictures aren't top notch, but you should be able to get an idea of what I'm seeing.

Before I ask for recomendations of good products, does this look like it is correctable? Or does it need paint? 75% of the marks on the front end and mirrors are badly etched bug marks, the rest are from stones (thats the beauty of living in the country!).

On to products... I'm thinking of starting with some 6.5" LC pads, with the plan of eventualy replacing my Griots polisher with the new PC. I'm looking at the Pinnacle XMT swirl removers, and some Natty's Blue. Will this get me closer to a clean looking car? Or is my product choice all wrong?
Feed back please

Matt S.
06-24-2009, 01:36 PM
Looks like road rash / rock chips to me, is that correct? If so, it will require touch-ups, and there's so many of them that you might as well get the area repainted.

06-24-2009, 01:43 PM

06-24-2009, 02:05 PM


06-24-2009, 05:18 PM
The bug etching might polish out but the rock chips won't. I would also start with the 5.5 inch pads if you plan to use a PC. You will thank yourself later.

06-24-2009, 08:28 PM
try touch up 123 ... far cheaper than a repaint... and will blend most of those in

not sure if im allowed to post other products on here like that tho! Mods please delete if so! thanks

06-24-2009, 10:10 PM
The bug etching might polish out but the rock chips won't. I would also start with the 5.5 inch pads if you plan to use a PC. You will thank yourself later.
He should be thanking you Charlie for good advice.

06-24-2009, 10:13 PM
try touch up 123 ... far cheaper than a repaint... and will blend most of those in

not sure if im allowed to post other products on here like that tho! Mods please delete if so! thanks
Do a search, some good products out there for road rash.

06-25-2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks for the input guys! After looking at the car agian, compared to the pictures... The pictures make it look worse than it is. If I am able to get all of the bug marks out, than I will hold off on painting untill winter.

I read here that the 5.5" pads where better for correction, then the day after I ordered some; I found out my Griots polisher has a 5.75" backing plate. I don't like being limited to one size pad. That's what makes me want to get the new PC.

I should be all done with my car tomorrow. Once I pull it out of the poll barn, I will get some better pictures... I'm taking it down to WV this weekend to race it at Summit Point.