View Full Version : Microfiber

06-18-2009, 04:19 PM
So, how can I wash these to keep them fresh?

Can I use a slight amount of detergent (liquid) in the washer with the MF towels and throw them in the dryer on medium heat with no dryer sheet?

06-18-2009, 04:36 PM
Give them a shot of this...
DP Microfiber Cleaner concentrated microfiber detergent and degreaser (http://www.autogeek.net/dp-microfiber-cleaner.html)

06-18-2009, 04:57 PM
no fabric softner .. and use the dedicated MF soaps for easiest cleaning, no need to add this or that.

06-18-2009, 05:55 PM
Wash your towels in cold or cool water (no heat), using a standard laundry detergent such as Tide. Then dry them by regular air or by air drying in your dryer (again, no heat).

06-18-2009, 06:12 PM
I wash with Tide liquid in hot water, double wash and dry on low heat. Washed hundreds of towels this way with no problems. Every third wash I pre soak in a microfiber cleaner before washing. Alway's wash your mf's separately. That is, drying towels, glass towels, wax/sealant towels.

06-18-2009, 09:32 PM
Like wash them buffing/wax towels in one load, glas towels in one load, etc.?

I mean I only have 1 glass towel. I'm not doing an entire cycle of laundry for one towel. Sorry. Money doesn't grow on trees where I live.

06-18-2009, 10:19 PM
Like wash them buffing/wax towels in one load, glas towels in one load, etc.?

I mean I only have 1 glass towel. I'm not doing an entire cycle of laundry for one towel. Sorry. Money doesn't grow on trees where I live.
Then wash it by hand.

06-19-2009, 08:38 AM
Lots of different opinions. Kind of like what wax to use. :D

Over the past six or seven years of using and washing MF, I have used regular laundry detergent and hot water with good luck.
In recent years, I have been using a MF detergent and have started doing a second rinse with vinegar added to the second rinse. The vinegar is supposed to help remove any detergent residue left in the MF.
I do think my MF is in better shape with that process, but I don't know if it is the MF detergent, the second rinse or the vinegar. I also have a couple of dryer balls that I use occasionaly during the drying.
I still use hot water and dry with the normal heat used with all my laundry. I have never noticed any damage from hot water or dryer heat. Some of my towels are at least 6 years old and I'm not sure I could pick those out from my almost new ones.
I do wash my MF separately from other laundry, but I don't separate the towels when washing. If it's MF, it goes in the load. I don't have grunge MF since I use my old cotton terry towels for the dirty jobs.

06-19-2009, 09:12 AM
after i wash my microfibers i tie them to my antenna on my truck and drive down the highway . seems to dry them nice. and keep them fluffy for next use:D

06-19-2009, 09:28 AM
I use Charlie's Soap and line dry mine on a Dryette.

A Dryette is an antique drying rack I found in the mother in law's basement. :)

We use Charlie's Soap for all our laundry.

06-19-2009, 10:23 AM
i use woolite or any liquid on gentle cycle.....dry on low heat.....

06-19-2009, 12:28 PM
after i wash my microfibers i tie them to my antenna on my truck and drive down the highway . seems to dry them nice. and keep them fluffy for next use:DYou are joking, right?

06-19-2009, 02:47 PM

06-19-2009, 03:50 PM