View Full Version : How do you get rid of water spots?

06-08-2009, 11:39 PM
I have a lot of water spots due to my car transporter shipping my car in a open carrier and it has endure rain, etc.. Is there a way to remove the water spots? I heard clay baring would do it but I don't know if that is true.

Blackthorn One
06-08-2009, 11:46 PM
Water spots can be removed. Yes, clay barring can do it. Sometimes polish is needed. It just depends upon how bad it is. Wash well, then try clay.

06-09-2009, 11:23 AM
Need to give the car a good washing and see how bad they are, you can use several different things to remove them. Light polish if not to bad, clay, some even use Vinegar and Water!

06-09-2009, 11:51 AM
Alcohol and water, but that will strip all your protection. Claying the vehicle will also work. The key is that you have to act fast before the water spots etch into the clear coat. Then, you will have to go through a full polishing session.

06-09-2009, 04:31 PM
Vinegar will indeed remove recent waterspots .... polishing will remove those harder ones, and unfortunately etching commonly needs wet-sanding to remove all traces.