View Full Version : Do over...UGH!

09-01-2006, 10:55 PM
Ok so I got my box of goodies on Thursday. Washed, clayed, washed again and got down to business.

Mistake #1...got distracted from the last wash and didn't dry car >>>WATER SPOTS!!!!!!

Not to let that stop a paratrooper...i started using the XMT1 on the hood and front fenders. Took a bit of time since I am new at using a PC. By the time I was finished I had to put a quick coat of Natty's Blue on before the sun went down and I lost light.

Mistake #2...not enough time to do the job right/failed to check wether report!

It's raining!!! Damn storms! The hood and front fenders are beading the water great! But I wanted to use a sealant PB EX-P....YES I KNOW I CAN'T PUT IT ON AFTER THE NATTY'S.

So here is my question/problem #1: How do I start over and remove the wax that is on the car? I know some people that use Dawn dish soap to remove the layers of wax prior to preping the paint with a polish. Is there a better method?

Question #2...the light was not great but I did not see any difference between the preped hood and fenders and the rest of the car. Is the EX-P sealant going to make a differnce in the appearance? How? Why?

Thanks for the responses. TIme to go do my sun-god dance!

09-02-2006, 12:22 AM
Just repolish the car. The xmt 1 will remove any wax. Yes the ex-p will make the paint look good. Its a sealant thats designed to make your paint shine. Good luck with that dance, Im still trying to perfect mine.

09-02-2006, 03:09 PM
You can polish or use isopropyl alcohol and water 50/50 to remove the wax. White vinegar will remove the water spots if you still have them. You should be sure that all swirls have been removed prior to adding your sealant. If you still have swirls after using the XMT 1 for about 5 minutes, then you may need to move up to the XMT 2. Once the swirls are gone you can go on to your EX-P :) It takes some tries before you get it all down. Be patient with yourself and enjoy the learning process. The most important thing is to have fun. Take care! And don't forget to post some pics! :)

09-02-2006, 09:44 PM
Be sure to rewash, or wipe down with 50/50 alcohol/water solution after using XMT. This will make sure your sealant bonds properly.

09-03-2006, 02:14 PM
Well Ive been at it for 3 hours. almost done doing the XMT#1. Hard to detail and watch the kids! Need to get out the leafblower for all the dust!!! Right arm is sore... and crap I'm not even done!

I did notice some minor swirls after using XMT#1. Gonna have to make plans for a redo in the spring with #2. For now its alcohol and h2o wipe down and PB EX-P