View Full Version : Warm or Dark colored?

05-10-2009, 12:20 AM
Hello all! So I'm trying to decide if my car is warm or dark colored. My girlfriend thinks it's warm, I'm leaning towards dark. What do you all think? The reason I'm asking is to decide on using Dodo Purple Haze or Orange Crush. Thanks for the suggestions!



05-10-2009, 03:32 AM
i think its both. Do you have both of the products or are you deciding on which one to buy? If you have both just do half of the hood with each one and then decide which one you like

Blackthorn One
05-10-2009, 03:55 AM
It depends upon whether you want the car to have a more purple cast, or a more orange cast. If you use Purple Haze, it should make the color look deeper, whereas if you use Orange Crush, it should give it more sparkle and pop, or be more flashy. I think it's up to your own personal preference. You could try it Purple one time,and Orange the next wax job, for a very subtle change in the look of the car, depending upon your mood.
I would consider Hard Candy as well. If you use Purple haze, it will MAKE the car more dark colored, and if you use Orange Crush, it will MAKE the car look more warm colored, since Purple Haze is dark and Orange Crush is warm.

05-10-2009, 09:31 AM
It depends upon whether you want the car to have a more purple cast, or a more orange cast. If you use Purple Haze, it should make the color look deeper, whereas if you use Orange Crush, it should give it more sparkle and pop, or be more flashy. I think it's up to your own personal preference. You could try it Purple one time,and Orange the next wax job, for a very subtle change in the look of the car, depending upon your mood.
I would consider Hard Candy as well. If you use Purple haze, it will MAKE the car more dark colored, and if you use Orange Crush, it will MAKE the car look more warm colored, since Purple Haze is dark and Orange Crush is warm.

Yeah I have Hard Candy. I actually have the 8 sample pack lol. I'm going to go out now with Orange Crush and see how that goes. I could just use something like Rainforest Rub that is universal...but if there's a wax that will look better, I might as well use it.

05-10-2009, 11:43 AM
If you have the sample pack. Try them all. Post pics and let the masses give the opinions, which everyone loves! :)

05-10-2009, 06:44 PM
Well I ended up going with Orange Crush. It looks great! I'll post some pictures up tomorrow when I take them. Next time I might go with Purple Haze or Rainforest Rub. Dodo makes some great products!!