View Full Version : Newbie question about Klasse AIO and Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze

05-07-2009, 09:34 AM
I just placed an order for Klasse AIO and Klasse High Gloss Sealant Glaze; this will be the first time I will be using these products and have a few questions about application.

Just a note, I don't own a rotary or buffer, I have to do everything by hand.

1. I haven't waxed my car since last October, so I'm not sure if there's still any remaining on my car since we had a pretty hard winter in New England. Do I need to do anything during my car wash to remove all pre-existing wax or can I just wash normally?

2. I noticed some light swirls and scratches on the clear coat caused by the winter. Should I apply Scratch-X or a Meguiar's polish before applying the Klasse products or should I just go straight for the Klasse AIO?

3. When washing my car in the future, are there any special steps I have to do to remove the Klasse or can I just wash normally?

4. Do I have to wait for the AIO to set before applying the HGS?

5. This is how I plan to wash my car once I receive the Klasse products, let me know if there's something I should do differently.

Wash car
Wipe down with quick detailer
Klasse AIO
Klasse HGS

05-07-2009, 03:29 PM
I have never used AIO by hand since I am a lazy power tool user. But one suggestion would be to work a small area at a time. Do not let the AIO dry, it will be very hard to remove. Wipe it on, polish, and will still "wet" wipe it off and polish. If it does dry on the surface just apply a little more and wipe it right off.

As to washing, as long as you use a real car wash soap and not "dishwashing liquid" you don't have to worry about removing the AIO or sealant. But I would suggest using a clay bar on the paint after washing. It will make applying the polishes and sealants much easier. And give you a much smoother surface. However, using the clay will remove most all the wax, sealant, etc on the paint . You probably only need to clay twice a year unless you have to park outside.

05-07-2009, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the reply.

05-07-2009, 05:10 PM
hints for Klasse SG --transfer some to a small spray bottle, think travel size. Spritz, buff immediately, flip towel and buff off. Allow 24 hours to cure as possible. Stubborn areas, respritz and buff immediately.

05-07-2009, 06:59 PM
Will do!

05-07-2009, 07:06 PM
SG is a PITA to remove if it dries. Have plenty of towels and QD handy.

A4 1.8tqm
05-08-2009, 04:24 PM
In my experience SG gets easier to remove the longer it sits, even let it sit over night (apply in EXTREMELY thin coats, I suggest at least two, 12 hrs apart). AIO is different, don't let it dry at all. You may be surprised to find your AIO applicator looking dirty even after a good wash and clay.

05-27-2009, 05:03 PM
For those who use Klasse SG, how well do you think it holds up when you're scrubbing off bugs? I get bugs on the front grill of my Jeep something terrible. I haven't used any of the "bug and tar removers", but I have one of those microfiber bug sponges and just really scrub with it till they're gone. When I wash I'll go over the bug spots several times till they're all gone (I usually soak them real good while I'm washing the rest of the vehicle, which helps somewhat).

Does SG stand up to this kind of scrubbing? I know it's held up real well every where else, but I just wonder about the grill.

I went ahead and added another coat of SG today to be on the safe side.

05-27-2009, 07:02 PM
SG is quite durable ... I would however suggest using a spray wax or spray sealant after each wash on this vehicle. It should make removing those buggies easier.

I also suggest keeping a small bottle of Poorboys BugSquash and a soft MF near and removing quickly as possible. Those bug guts can be highly damaging to any wax or sealant and often etch the paint if allowed to sit.

05-27-2009, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I think I'll start using the spray wax on the grill after each wash like you said. I've been halfway trying to keep up with them by using Meguiar's quick detailer, but it's a losing battle. I really don't get them all off until I wash the whole vehicle (every week or two).

Is the BugSquash a spray? I'm really paranoid about getting damage from bugs over time. So far (I've only owned the Jeep for a few months) I've managed though, but it'll only get worse this summer.

I've never had a truck or car that attracts bugs like this Jeep does. I guess because the grill and front windshield are almost vertical it makes everything stick to them. It's probably the least aerodynamic vehicle on the road.

05-27-2009, 10:56 PM
iamlouie, don't forget to try out AIO on your windows. I feel it performs much better than Rain-X and also cleans quite a bit when applying.

05-28-2009, 05:39 PM
Is the BugSquash a spray?

It is not a spray in original form, but I transfer some to a small travel size spray bottle. You could also add a standard trigger spray to the Poorboys bottle it came in.

05-28-2009, 05:48 PM
wow, my brother just put a layer of kaio on his truck. i spent 24 hours on it about 2 months ago doing paint correction, but its a 4x4 and gets washed frequently so it was already starting to get swirls on it again. he just got done washing it (dg 902 of course) and put a layer of kaio, and that really hid the swirls more than i thought it was going to. he applied it by hand. good stuff.

05-29-2009, 11:32 PM
I'm pretty happy with the Klasse products. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who is lazy and doesn't want to put in the effort to wax properly or is too lazy to wax often.