View Full Version : Cobra shamrock mf's

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05-04-2009, 09:20 PM
So i've battled the whole micro fiber thing over and over again and finally came to the understanding that using top shelf products and low grade mf's was senseless.

So i ordered the cobra shamrock mf's and couldn't wait to use them. I washed them before using them and after a weekend drive i brought the car home and quick detailed it with wolfgang detail spritz.

everything was awesome until i looked down the side of the car in the light. Whagt i seen were tiny hairs from the cobra shamrock mf's which really upset me seeings the low grade mf's didn't do this. Now i know the cobra mf's are a way better quality but wht the hairs all over my paint? Am i doing something wrong or maybe do i have to wash them 5 or 6 times????

please help since i'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot.


05-04-2009, 09:42 PM
Did you wash them with anything else? Also, what did you use to clean them? Full cycle w/hot water? Dryer too hot?

Let us know your steps. Some towels need to be washed a few times before use.

05-04-2009, 09:43 PM
had the same problem with my hairs on the car--just wiped them off with the Shamrocks, and changed shampoos

05-04-2009, 10:01 PM
So i've battled the whole micro fiber thing over and over again and finally came to the understanding that using top shelf products and low grade mf's was senseless.

So i ordered the cobra shamrock mf's and couldn't wait to use them. I washed them before using them and after a weekend drive i brought the car home and quick detailed it with wolfgang detail spritz.

everything was awesome until i looked down the side of the car in the light. Whagt i seen were tiny hairs from the cobra shamrock mf's which really upset me seeings the low grade mf's didn't do this. Now i know the cobra mf's are a way better quality but wht the hairs all over my paint? Am i doing something wrong or maybe do i have to wash them 5 or 6 times????

please help since i'm stuck between a rock and a hard spot.


a new uber plush towel of that caliber will surely have stray fibers. just wash it properly a few times and you should be ok!

so, just to make sure- wash them with only like towels with something that doesn't have any dyes, fab softeners or perfumes ( i use the dp stuff) use warm water, rinse twice and hang dry inside (we have a rack in the laundry room that works well)

fyi, i don't think you have anything defective at this point, but, i got a batch of cobra indigo mf a while back that linted HORRIBLY. i haven't had the same issues with the supremes or cobra jrs but FYI one defective towel can pollute whatever it's washed with.

05-04-2009, 10:56 PM
Yeah I just got some too and they do shed a bit. But they are so soft its sick.

05-05-2009, 01:32 PM
wash them a few more times ! Long cycle cold water with Micro Fiber Cleaner and an ounce or two of vinegar in the slot where the fabric softener goes !

05-05-2009, 02:59 PM
my plusher/thicker towels usually go lint free after the 2nd wash. then they're at their best IMO.

05-05-2009, 03:43 PM
not to steal the thread or anything but, are you guys using cold or hot/warm water to wash your microfibers??

05-05-2009, 05:31 PM
I use hot, the water isn't hot enough to damage the fibers. Unless your water comes out boiling you should be just fine.

05-05-2009, 05:42 PM
I ordered 12 of these and just ran them through a dryer cycle to remove any loose fibers. Used them the other day and no problems what so ever.

05-05-2009, 07:08 PM
sounds like a little lint, good causing for blazing around the block and rewashing the towel one more time to remove any extra "hairs".

05-05-2009, 10:49 PM
Thanks for the replies. I use cold water to wash them and when drying i use the delicate setting which is basically just an air dry/fluff.

They have been washed 3 times now if i remember correctly. I only wash mf's with mf's so at this point it urks me.

Maybe need to be washed more?

i know i should use a mf cleaner but at this point i havn't ordered any. So is there anything "over the counter" that will substitute for now like the dreft detergent used for babies clothes? thanks again.

05-05-2009, 11:07 PM
If the lint won't come out after another wash, try boiling them. Had this problem with lint and boiling them took care of it.

05-06-2009, 09:48 AM
Just got a few of them in. I'm a little dissapointed with the edges. As soft as the towel is the corners are deadly.

Did notice some loose fibers.

As for an otc detergent, some use regular liquid tide. ALL also works good. Make sure its a liquid detergent since they rinse better than powders.

05-06-2009, 06:07 PM
I would never use detergent of any brand other then that created to restore microfiber. Unless you are willing to wash a second time with no detergent !