View Full Version : feedback and suggestions welcome!

04-29-2009, 05:26 PM
Hope i put together some good combo's to pick up, feedback or suggestions or "other" combo's to look at, feel free to add or delete out of the bunch if u feel i only need 3 out of any of the 4

1. M105, SIP, (NANO)106 FA, 85RD

2.M105, SIP, M205, 85RD

3.M105, SIP, M205, (NANO) 106FA

4.M205, (NANO) 106FA, SIP, 85RD

5.SIP, NANO ,85RDFeed back please

04-29-2009, 05:43 PM
Your #1 choice is the best way to go!! You have everything you need with that combo, now you just need some pads :D.

04-29-2009, 05:45 PM
i need to get some m105 and that will complete #1 for me. what is it that sip/pfw cannot handle?

04-29-2009, 06:15 PM
A lot of those combos are dependant on what pad you are using. If you use M105 w/a white pad instaed of a orange.

04-29-2009, 08:48 PM
thanks for the responses pads i have: ccs grey white orange blue... 3m waffle pads: white black.... ccs 4in spotbuffs blue orange white grey...cyclo pads white blue green yellow orange and white wool

so should i got with #1 combo??Feed back please

04-29-2009, 09:20 PM
I would go with #1

04-29-2009, 09:30 PM
#1 for sure!