View Full Version : Wanted microfiber best practice storage and use advice.

04-27-2009, 10:52 PM
I am wondering if there might be some pro's out there that have some type of microfiber system of uses and storage that they would like to share.

I have seen people talking about keeping microfiber to specific uses and keeping them separate from each other.

I know there are many colors of microfiber and they have different weights. Do people out there have a good system of what color towel to use for a specific job? I'd love to see it.

Any ideas on storage of all these towels. Right now I put them in plastic shopping bags. I know, not very pretty, but useful at the moment.

Thanks for any advice that comes my way.

Take care,

04-27-2009, 10:59 PM
Selecting a mf for a particular job is subjective. Since you have a few, try them for different jobs and see what you like best and use them for that purpose. I would suggest that the cheap Costco mf's be used for wheels, door jams, under the hood etc. If you do wash them, keep them separated from your good mf's. I get a few uses out of them and just toss them when it gets to dirty. Just go to Target or Walmart and get a closed plastic bin to store your mf's. They are not very expensive and will keep the dust out.

04-28-2009, 01:56 AM
I seperate my mfs into 4 groups.

1: drying towels
2: grunge towels (1-2 uses from costco mfs $15 for 36)
3: wax and polish removal
4: glass towels

I wash my glass towels by hand. When I wash the rest its by color since I hate having yellow mfs with blue stains all over. Haven't had any problems up until now. It would probably be a good idea for me to wash drying towels seperately so as to not contaminate the fibers with wax or sealant residue, but than the loads would just be too small. I don't use enough towels to jusify that.

One comment, if you like keeping your plusher mfs looking good, don't buy white ones. They just never come out looking the same and it bothers me. Ocd I guess.

I used to keep all my mfs in a bunch of large ziplocs but after a while I felt I was being a little too anal about it. It became a hassle to stuff them all back in. Now I just keep them folded with the shorter napped side out. Give em a good shaking before I use them and visually inspect it.

04-28-2009, 07:50 AM
My glass waffle weaves, I keep in Ziploc bags. My multi-purpose micros, like for interior, wheels, jams and such, I keep in a large Rubber Maid tote. My micros that touch paint, are vacuum sealed in food saver bags. It eliminates any chance of contamination or debris getting on the towels and causing problems on the paint. Is that going too far??? Maybe. Maybe not.:D

Wendell Jarvis
04-28-2009, 08:09 AM
I seperate my mfs into 4 groups.

1: drying towels
2: grunge towels (1-2 uses from costco mfs $15 for 36)
3: wax and polish removal
4: glass towels

I wash my glass towels by hand. When I wash the rest its by color since I hate having yellow mfs with blue stains all over. Haven't had any problems up until now. It would probably be a good idea for me to wash drying towels seperately so as to not contaminate the fibers with wax or sealant residue, but than the loads would just be too small. I don't use enough towels to jusify that.

One comment, if you like keeping your plusher mfs looking good, don't buy white ones. They just never come out looking the same and it bothers me. Ocd I guess.

I used to keep all my mfs in a bunch of large ziplocs but after a while I felt I was being a little too anal about it. It became a hassle to stuff them all back in. Now I just keep them folded with the shorter napped side out. Give em a good shaking before I use them and visually inspect it.

04-28-2009, 08:22 AM
You guys are awesome. I love the comments. You have given all of us some really good information.

I made this post because I have some cheap Vrooom towels that I use on the grungy stuff like wheels, and engine area. I have some Guzzlers and a couple of other waffles for drying. Some really nice blue Cobras that I use for QD, polishing, and waxing. I just received some of those new Shamrock's so I wanted to know how I could incorporate those into what I do. That is why I asked if anyone has a color system for their microfibers. :)


04-28-2009, 10:14 AM
Sterilite 3 drawer systems does the trick. Inexpensive and sealed enough to keep the dust out.

Sterilite - Storage (http://www.sterilite.com/Category.html?Section=Storage&ProductCategory=155#)

04-28-2009, 10:33 AM
Sterilite 3 drawer systems does the trick. Inexpensive and sealed enough to keep the dust out.

Sterilite - Storage (http://www.sterilite.com/Category.html?Section=Storage&ProductCategory=155#)


The stacked sets are great if you've got floor space. Mine are on a shelf so I got some separate single drawers. The see-through drawer fronts allow you organize and see the selection without having to rummage through everything. I've got one drawer for the highest quality MFs, one for WWs and general purpose and another for the dirty jobs.... including crud rags for wheel wells, oil spills and general crud I don't need to use MF on.

Sterilite also has some smaller drawers that are handy. I've got some in the detailing cabinet for foam and MF applicators, swabs, hose connectors and general smaller doo-dads (technical term). Sterilite stuff is conveniently made to be stackable.

Sterilite - Storage (http://www.sterilite.com/Category.html?Section=Storage&ProductCategory=45)

Being neatly organized helps the job go faster as well as keeping you from tearing your hair out looking for things. Plus it confirms to those that view your stuff that you're a certifiable, obsessive-compulsive nut case!

TL <---- certifiable, obsessive-compulsive nut case Im the MAN

04-28-2009, 12:42 PM
Sterilite 3 drawer systems does the trick. Inexpensive and sealed enough to keep the dust out.

Sterilite - Storage (http://www.sterilite.com/Category.html?Section=Storage&ProductCategory=155#)

:whs: I have a few (will not mention how many :D) of these bins for my MF and misc. applicators. As for my MF colors-to-uses, here's my list:
Mango -wheels
Wal-Mart WW towels (found in kitchen area) -door jambs
Indigos -polish removal
Super Plush -wax removal/final buff/QD
Glass towels -self-eplanitory
Guzzlers -drying

As for washing, I will wash the mangos and Wally World towels together. The indigo's and Super Plush's will go together, and the glass towels and Guzzlers together. All done with Micro-Restore

04-28-2009, 01:16 PM
Brian and everyone else,
Thanks for all of the cool tips. I was my towels with Micro Restore. I soak ones that are dirty in a bucket with the Micro Restore for awhile agitating them from time to time, then dumping the bucket into the washer and run it through the wash. Drying them on the lowest setting.


04-28-2009, 03:15 PM
Brian and everyone else,
Thanks for all of the cool tips. I was my towels with Micro Restore. I soak ones that are dirty in a bucket with the Micro Restore for awhile agitating them from time to time, then dumping the bucket into the washer and run it through the wash. Drying them on the lowest setting.


i separate and store the paint from wheel towels in the plastic bins. wash separately as well. i use the costco towels for wheels since they're cheap and disposable. wheel towels get pretty bad since my audi's brake dust is never ending and i'm constantly wiping the wheels down. hate brake dust!

have used micro restore but found normal laundry soap works just as well and comes out just as plush. tip; use some vinegar in the final rinse cycle. warm dry.

04-28-2009, 05:29 PM
I bought a small plastic cabinet at Lowes and installed in garage at height of my site. It has doors so closed from contaminents. I also place some in ziplocks when traveling to keep them apart. The ones that didnt make the cut, or extras are kept in those under the bed type containers.

04-30-2009, 07:55 PM
I keep my mf towels in the really large ziplock bags. I think they are the 16" x 20" size. I have 4 bags I keep them in and they are separated by use that everyone described above. This way I am sure they will get no contaminates from the garage.

04-30-2009, 10:26 PM
I keep mine in see thru plastic tubs w/lids have them seperated into
(1) Interior
(2) Wheels/Door Jams
(3) Waffle Weave for drying
(4) Cleaner/Sealant remover
(5) Buffing
(6) Glass

I think thats all i have :D

05-01-2009, 08:59 AM
Aside from the washing, after they are tumbled dry in LOW heat, I fold them over the dryer and seperate them by towel/color.

I was able to get some Sterilite 16-Qt bins (frosted bin with baby blue snap lids) at Home Depot for like $2.xx ea. Got about 10 of them to use on my shelves (they stack nicely too ;) )

Then picked up a couple boxes of 30-count 1 Gallon Ziplock bags at Pathmark. These are the kind that have the sliding tab to seal bag for about $4 ea box.

I get 2-3 WW 16x36 Drying towels per bag and about 3-4 of every other towel.
Ive seperated bins by WW Drying/Glass, QD/Polishing/Buffing, and All Purpose MF...assigned 2-3 bins per MF grouping

Using the ziploc bags makes them easy to store in bins and a sense of comfort when Im traveling to or from a car that they wont fall or get dirty. Keeps them clean, organized, and easy to carry/store. I can stack about 5 bags in a bucket (w/ grit guard in it) and seal lid while traveling :D