View Full Version : Trashed Java Black Pearl Subaru WRX

04-16-2009, 08:45 PM
Yes, it's a Subaru but the paint was trashed and the owner wanted it fixed before he left for basic training. I have never seen this black with gold metal flake before. Apparently, it was only offered for one year by Subaru. Swirls and buffer trails greeted me when it pulled up.

## CWG by hand
M105 with PFW and Makita 9227
Menzerna 106FA with white pad and PC
Optimum Poli-Seal with blue pad and PC
Opti-Seal for my LSP
IPA wipedown on each panel after each polishing step
Tires dressed with Meguiar's Hyper Dressing 2:1
Black Wow applied to all exterior trim

Full Sun before and after's


You can see the swirls and buffer trails




More swirls and oxidized



First pass with M105, and yes I had marring


After M105 and 106FA





We found Metal flake









04-16-2009, 08:49 PM
Very nice

04-16-2009, 08:55 PM
Very impressive, what kind of time did you invest in this?

04-16-2009, 09:57 PM
Looks good.:buffing:

04-16-2009, 10:25 PM
Looks good inside. Would love to see some straight on sun shots. Usually it's a good idea not to jump from M105 on a PFW to 106 and a white pad without anything in between it. Maybe something like SIP in between to clean up the marring M105 leaves behind. Why use two sealants? I can see using a sealant and then topping it with a nuba, but never seen a sealant topped with a sealant...are we going for double protection? Just trying to understand your process.

04-17-2009, 08:29 AM
Thanks all! This took about 6 hours. Subaru paint is soft so correction didn't take long.

04-17-2009, 08:33 AM
Looks good inside. Would love to see some straight on sun shots. Usually it's a good idea not to jump from M105 on a PFW to 106 and a white pad without anything in between it. Maybe something like SIP in between to clean up the marring M105 leaves behind. Why use two sealants? I can see using a sealant and then topping it with a nuba, but never seen a sealant topped with a sealant...are we going for double protection? Just trying to understand your process.

Going from M105 with PFW leaves little marring that 106/white cleans up very nicely. I use Poli-Seal just like it's intended as an AIO which makes a great base for Opti-Seal. Poli-Seal cleans the paint, removes those last fine blemishes and lays a great foundation for Opti-Seal.

04-17-2009, 10:15 AM
Thanks all! This took about 6 hours. Subaru paint is soft so correction didn't take long.

The car came out great...don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to understand with such soft paint why you went so aggressive. Seems like you probably could have started with something like SIP via white LC pad and then cleaned everything up with your 106 and a blue pad. I guess those pictures don't do it justice with just how hammered the paint really was.

04-17-2009, 10:43 AM
WOW! You weren't lying when you said it was trashed...

04-17-2009, 11:07 AM
I'm curious how you guys do the spoiler(s) on cars like this. I've noticed it's the devil trying to get that thing done right on my WRX.

04-17-2009, 11:23 AM
Awesome job, the flakes really show now. I also like to top OOS with some OCW, the OOS only needs about 30 minutes to cure.

04-17-2009, 08:35 PM
The car came out great...don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to understand with such soft paint why you went so aggressive. Seems like you probably could have started with something like SIP via white LC pad and then cleaned everything up with your 106 and a blue pad. I guess those pictures don't do it justice with just how hammered the paint really was.

You could see the car had been through the car wash, it looked like it had brush strokes.

WOW! You weren't lying when you said it was trashed...

Trashed, yes!

I'm curious how you guys do the spoiler(s) on cars like this. I've noticed it's the devil trying to get that thing done right on my WRX.

Take your time and use sloooow speeds.

Awesome job, the flakes really show now. I also like to top OOS with some OCW, the OOS only needs about 30 minutes to cure.

Thanks! Optimum makes some great products