View Full Version : Got to mess with Optimum Polish II and Optimum Finish

Matt S.
04-16-2009, 02:21 PM
Been wanting to use these products and finally decided to pull out the rotary and give them a whirl on my daily driver's hood.

I used the Flex 3403 on 1100-1500 RPMs with OP II and a white 7" Kompressor pad with a prototype LC 6" backing plate, which I was very impressed with.

Optimum Finish was used at 1100 RPMs with a gold 7" Kompressor pad and minimal pressure.

Here's what I started with:




After Optimum Polish II:



After Optimum Finish:



And just a final comparison shot to an untouched area:


Overall, the products were very easy to work with. Being that they come in 8oz bottles at very reasonable prices, I highly recommend giving them a shot.

BTW, I used Optimum Finish in direct sunlight. As long as I kept my pad lubricated, the product worked fine. It did tend to get "sticky" after a little while, but in a pinch I'd say it could be used in direct sunlight.

04-16-2009, 02:27 PM
cool...good to hear. I was contemplating the small bottles but then I calculate the price of the big bottle and I'm tossing the idea of the 8oz....LOL

If the cut of OPII is marginally better than the original, I think it would be good versatile polish.

Matt S.
04-16-2009, 02:32 PM
I didn't need anything more than the polishing pad to get those results. I did notice that pressure played a very large role in correctional abilities with this polish. The polishing pad did leave an awesome finish and I probably would have stopped there, but like most other things we enthusiasts do, the Optimum Finish really put icing on the cake.

And you are right...for less than twice the price, you get 4x the product with the 32oz bottles. But, for someone just wanting to try the stuff out, the 8oz bottles are pretty convenient.

04-16-2009, 07:38 PM
Whats the dailly driver If I may ask? A C4 Vette? :p

04-16-2009, 07:46 PM
How You compare Optimum Finish to PO85RD. Tx.

04-16-2009, 10:14 PM
Can I expect these products to work just as good with a PC? I know I probably won't get as much correction but do you think they are PC compatable?

Matt S.
04-17-2009, 11:02 AM
I'll mess with them some more with the PC and Flex. This was on my Camry, I'll see if I can get some pics with the '66 Mustang since I'm pretty sure my dad put a few swirls in the trunk.