View Full Version : Klasse AIO, SG & 303

04-14-2009, 06:15 AM
I ordered some products from Autogeek (and they're supposed to arrive today) and I have a few questions about them.

I bought a new Jeep Wrangler a little over a month ago. I don't have a garage, so the Jeep is going to be outside uncovered at all times until I can get a carport (but I don't know when that will be). I chose these products hoping they provide the best protection from the elements, after reading a lot of posts on this forum.

The Jeep has the hard top, plus the unpainted fenders and bumpers, so I have almost as much vinyl/plastic to deal with as I do paint. I know some people use Klasse AIO on surfaces other than paint. Would you recommend going over the bumpers with this stuff before I put on a layer of 303 Protectant? I plan to use the 303 on all non-painted surfaces (other than glass), but wondered if using AIO first would also help.

For the sealant glaze I plan to use the WOWO method. But one poster mentioned also making a "quick detailer" with SG diluted 4:1 with water. Wouldn't applying this on a regular basis really offer super protection from the elements? I'm really considering doing this.

My biggest concern is just protecting the paint, hardtop, bumpers and fenders from sun fade. So I'm thinking: Klasse AIO and SG every 4 to 6 months, wash weekly, and apply 303 every 2nd or 3rd wash. You think this would keep it looking new?

Also, I ordered a gallon of 303. I wash the vinyl siding on my house every spring and I'm thinking I may wipe it down with 303 this year too. Anyone else ever tried that?

I'm really excited to get my order from Autogeek today. I ordered the Klasse kit, 303 protectant, 303 fabric protectant and 303 cleaner.


04-14-2009, 04:52 PM
Just make sure you clean the trim and bumpers thoroughly when washing the car and then apply the 303 Aerospace.

The Klasse Twins are awesome but they are both horrible to buff off. I don't trust Sealant Glaze to be a WOWO product, even Klasse says to let the product dry thoroughly (20 mins to an hour), and Klasse encourages people to use the AIO as WOWO.

04-14-2009, 06:11 PM
That's my concern too, about using the WOWO method with the Sealant Glaze. I got my order and the included directions are just like you said. Any more thoughts on this?

I may just follow the directions even if I have some trouble buffing it off. I want the maximum paint protection I can get.

But I still like the idea of making a quick detailer with 4:1 diluted SG. Maybe that combined with the WOWO layer of SG would do the trick.

I guess I'll find out tomorrow when I detail the Jeep.


04-14-2009, 06:55 PM
dont add water to any sealant .... it has a curing agent to dry and bond properly to paint. You will essentially drown it.

Use the WOWO method and use a small spray bottle (think travel size) to spritz each panel and then buff. The SG is plenty liquid in design and flows properly no need for water or dilution.

04-14-2009, 09:25 PM
dont add water to any sealant .... it has a curing agent to dry and bond properly to paint. You will essentially drown it.What about products like AW or OPT Car Wax that say you can use it on a wet or dry car? And OPT ID is a concentrate you mix with 3 parts water. I've never heard of mixing SG with water, but there are plenty of qd's and sealants that mix with water. You give great advice, so I don't want to say your wrong, just asking for clarification for myself and the others reading this thread.

04-14-2009, 10:08 PM
dont add water to any sealant .... it has a curing agent to dry and bond properly to paint. You will essentially drown it.

Use the WOWO method and use a small spray bottle (think travel size) to spritz each panel and then buff. The SG is plenty liquid in design and flows properly no need for water or dilution.

So in your experience you can still get lasting paint protection using the WOWO method compared to following the directions from Klasse? That's my only concern. I understand that it will be difficult to buff off if I don't use the WOWO method, but I'm willing to do that if it makes it last longer.

I'll try to find the post again where an experienced member recommended the 4:1 SG quick detailer. This is all new to me.

04-14-2009, 11:52 PM
Chris, if you apply the Sealant Glaze to the vehicle and let it sit on the vehicle over night, and then buff it off the next day, that will be the easiest time to remove the product, aside from the WOWO method. If you use this system, you can also go immediately to applying a second coat as the first coat has had the adequate 24 hours of cure time or whatever.

04-15-2009, 01:31 AM
My neighbor just got a new Jeep Wrangler w/hard top. We talked at length about how to treat the top. It's actually texured paint (between flat and semi-gloss). We finally treated it like the rest of the paint with a coat of Collinite paste wax. It turned out great while not changing the shine (or flat) of it.
All I can say about the rest of the exterior vinyl is that you have a lot of it so it won't be long and you can recommend stuff to the rest of us. I'd go for some good UV protection.

04-15-2009, 12:46 PM
So far I've had to put off the exterior detail because of the weather. Emile, I'm going to try your method of leaving it on overnight then buffing.

So you think I should you use both the Klasse products on the hard top then? Or just AIO? To me the top almost looks like it has a thin layer of bed liner over the white fiberglass. One of my freedom panels has a small chip on it on the inside edge of it (only seen when it's removed), and seeing where the chip is located that's what it reminds me of -- the bedliner that people get sprayed on their truck beds.

But I'll take your word for it.

Thanks for the advice, guys.

04-16-2009, 04:05 PM
I used the AIO and SG today. The AIO went on and off really easy and left a great shine. I was paranoid about the SG so I'm afraid I used too little of the product. I put it on the whole vehicle then waited 30 minutes and buffed it off. It didn't come nearly as easy as the AIO but it did come off. It's just that I put on so little that on most of the paint I couldn't even see it. I may do another coat tomorrow and use slightly more product. I know I went over the all the paint with the foam pad, but I just used a tiny amount of SG and tried to really spread it around. I kept the foam pad just slightly damp also.

If I do another coat of SG tomorrow do I have to wash the vehicle again? Do most people use a quick detailer first or something like that?

I know the AIO is also supposed to protect the paint from the elements. How long would it last on its own? It goes on so easy that it would be tempting to just use it but use it more frequently than one would the SG.
